Blue Raven Poetry Series: Tim Seibles With Adrian Blevins

Wednesday, Aug 7, 2024 at 7:00pm


There is nothing like a poem to inspire, heal and provoke. As Major Jackson says, "a poem advances our humanity in language". Blue Raven Gallery's Reading Series brings to the central Maine coast a reading series steeped deep in poetry's oral tradition featuring some of the most prominent and distinguished voices nationally and regionally. Housed in Blue Raven Gallery's one-of-a-kind space and surrounded by a curated collection of some of the country's best painting, photography, sculpture and contemporary art.

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Series #3

Tim Seibles
Tim Seibles was born in Philadelphia in 1955. He is the author of several poetry collections including Hurdy-Gurdy (1992), Buffalo Head Solos (2004), published by the Cleveland State University Poetry Center and Fast Animal, published by Etruscan Press, which was a finalist for the 2012 National Book Award and winner of the Theodore Roethke Memorial Poetry Prize. Tim is a former NEA fellow and recipient of a fellowship from the Provincetown Fine Arts Work Center. He completed a two-year appointment as Poet laureate of Virginia (2016-18). Voodoo Libretto, a collection of his new and selected poems was released by Etruscan in 2022.  

Adrian Blevins
Adrian Blevins's most recent book of poetry is Status Pending, out this fall from Four Way Books. Her other full-length collections are Appalachians Run Amok, Live from the Homesick Jamboree, and The Brass Girl Brouhaha. She also co-edited Walk Till the Dogs Get Mean, a collection of essays by new and emerging Appalachian writers, and is the recipient of many awards and honors including the Wilder Prize from Two Sylvias Press, a Kate Tufts Discovery Award, and a Rona Jaffe Writers' Foundation Award. She is a professor of English at Colby College in Waterville, Maine, where she directs the Creative Writing Program.

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