
Bethesda Lutheran Church ENews - December 25, 2022

Religion and Spirituality

December 26, 2022

From: Bethesda Lutheran Church

Nativity of Our Lord
Christmas Eve Worship at 4:00 pm (prelude at 3:45)
Christmas Day Worship at 10:00 am

From the Pastor

Opening Gifts

My dear old pastor father taught my confirmation class in the 1970’s that God’s grace means undeserved grace.

That has stuck with me, and been reframed and understood through:

- My relationship with Kari, my spouse, whose name is related to the Greek karis (like charism) for grace.

- The birth of children, mine and any others throughout my ministry. We love children at Bethesda.

- The blessing of community through life’s joys and sorrows, which at Bethesda, is also a grace.

- The ways we give praise to God come to birth in Jesus, born of Mary, to redeem a troubled and fallen world. Grace upon grace.

So, Merry Christmas, dear church. Practice gratitude for God’s grace. Notice the gifts that are around. Blessings of the Christ Child.

And when you open gifts in your household, try this prayer:  

Blessed be your name, O God,

You are the source of every blessing.

From your hand, we receive the good gifts

Of life, health, and salvation.

As we give and receive these presents,

Bless us with hearts thankful for the birth of your Son.

May our opening of these gifts lead us

To share our love, faith, and goods with the poor and needy.

Blessed be God forever. Amen.

Pastor Tim Keyl

Bethesda’s staff gives thanks for this congregation and its gifts to us!

Pastor Tim will be away December 27-30, and Vicar Gabrielle will be away December 26-January 4. While both of them are away, you may contact Pastor Josh Sullivan at Christ the Good Shepherd in Hamden for urgent pastoral care at (860) 748-3837.

Save the Dates
Bible Study Resumes – Wednesday, January 4, 8:00 am, on Zoom
Dinner Church Resumes – Wednesday, January 4, 6:00, on Zoom
Choir Rehearsal Resumes – Wednesday, January 4, 7:30 pm, Campanius Room
Bethesda at Calumet – January 13-16
Annual Congregational Meeting – Sunday, February 19, 2023, after worship

Worship Livestream

We stream Sunday worship services live on Bethesda’s YouTube Channel. We will also stream our Christmas Eve service beginning at 3:45 pm on Saturday.

Click the following links to access the Christmas Eve bulletin and the Christmas Day bulletin.

Christmas at Bethesda

Christmas Eve Eucharist at 4 pm, Saturday, December 24. The Nativity Gospel, Carols, and Candlelighting. Cookies and cider served after worship. Pre-service music begins at 3:45 pm.

Christmas Day Eucharist at 10 am, Sunday, December 25. The Prologue to John and more Carols. Pastries and cookies to share following worship.

Name of Jesus worship at 9:30 am, Sunday, January 1.

Bible Study on Zoom

Bethesda's Bible Study will be taking a break for the holidays and returning on Wednesday, January 4 at 8:00 am to continue discussing NT Wright's Acts

We are covering two chapters in a "rolling" method. If we finish discussing chapter 12, we will continue to chapter 13. These correspond to chapters 12 & 13 in the Book of Acts in the Bible. Please read the selections before the meeting.

When? Every other Wednesday at 8:00 am (beginning on January 4)

Where? On Zoom, click here to join (or join by telephone: 203-432-9666; Meeting ID: 961 0888 6279)

Annual Meeting Scheduled for February 19
Bethesda’s Annual Congregational Meeting is scheduled for Sunday, February 19, 2023. The meeting will be held in the Campanius Room following the worship service. The agenda for this meeting will include reports of ministry in 2022, adoption of the 2023 budget, and elections for new members of Council and the Nominating Committee. As always, there will be a potluck meal and lots of coffee to keep everyone sustained through the meeting.

Year-End Donations to Bethesda

Consider donating to Bethesda among other charitable gifts by the end of the year. Thank you!

Thank you to Miles Kirschner for the Christmas tree in the sanctuary and to Dianne Witte and Richard Ford for decorating the church!

Couches available!

We are working on cleaning up the Campanius Room! There are two love seats and two three-seater couches available for anyone who could use them, one of each in dark green and black. Please contact Leah Snavely at [email protected] by Saturday, December 31 if you are interested in taking one or more of them. Otherwise, they will be donated in January to Habitat for Humanity.

Donations for Sally Azar
Sally Azar will be ordained as the first Palestinian Lutheran Pastor in our companion synod the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land (ELCJHL) on Sunday, January 22. Pastor Tim and Pastor Kari Keyl will be in attendance. Again, besides our prayers, we are receiving donations for the gift of clergy apparel by Sunday, January 17. Designate your gifts for “Sally Azar” in the memo.

Thank you!


Fantastic photos and videos of Bethesda events parked on your phone? We'd love to share them on Bethesda's social media and website!

Please upload media to this Google Drive folder.

If you do not have a Google profile or cannot access the folder for any reason, feel free to email your photos to John at [email protected].

Upcoming Commemorations

Stephen, Deacon and Martyr

Monday, December 26, 2022

Stephen was a deacon and the first martyr of the church. He was one of those seven upon whom the apostles laid hands after they had been chosen to serve widows and others in need. Later, Stephen's preaching angered the temple authorities, and they ordered him to be put to death by stoning.

John, Apostle and Evangelist

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

The son of Zebedee and brother of James, John was one of the twelve disciples and witness to the transfiguration. Tradition has named him also the writer of the Gospel of John, the three New Testament letters bearing his name, as well as Revelation.

The Holy Innocents, Martyrs

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

This day commemorates the young children killed by Herod in Bethlehem in his jealous attempt to murder the baby Jesus, a sobering reminder of the evil that led Christ to be born for our salvation.

Prayer Requests

For healing and strength: Pastor Ruth Drews; John Ferreira, nephew of Chris Couture; Mary Ricketts, friend of Chris Wigren; Kathryn and Karolyn Lee, aunts of Chris Lee; George Arndt, father of Lynn Arezzini; Michelle Lee, friend of Christina Castañeda; Mark Barnett, nephew of Becky Lerud; Marie Gray; Sonja Krummrey; Maureen Anderson; Natalie Denardis, granddaughter of Gail Denardis; Shirley Farm; Anne and Lee Keck; Kay Leone; Molly Dinneen; Karen (Starbranch) Blitch, daughter of Chuck Starbranch.

For those serving in the military.

For our partners in the Gospel: the congregations and schools of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land (ELCJHL) and LuMin Campus Ministry; for Bethesda House and Yale Divinity School students.

For Bethesda New Haven: that God continues to guide us into the future with ministries of witness, service, hospitality, and care while building up our community in all its diversity.

For those in candidacy for rostered leadership in the ELCA: Natalie Benson, Calli Micale, and Vicar Gabrielle Brown. 

For Isaiah Wogman, at the anniversary of baptism, December 23.

For those who mourn: Paul Stuehrenberg and family, at the death of his wife Carole DeVore on December 16. Click here to view Carole's obituary.