
Bethesda Lutheran Church News - May 7, 2023

Religion and Spirituality

May 9, 2023

From: Bethesda Lutheran Church

From the Pastor
Thanks Abound

Gratitude is an uncomfortable reminder that we need other people and that our lives are dependent on their gifts and generosity. Furthermore, the cultural emphasis on independence makes us wary about being indebted to a particular person. The cultural script that “we have made it on our own” remains powerful.
–from Living in Community, by Christine Pohl

You must know how grateful I am to be at Bethesda. I am regularly thankful, and feel as if I cannot say it enough. I have so much for which to be thankful, and so many people for which to be thankful.

So in this and in these weeks where I am headed toward sabbatical, amid all manner of transitions in our community, I give thanks because we are together in this enterprise of “church” and the life of faith.

Last week our staff had lunch out at the Rice Pot. We laughed, we spoke about why it was good to part of Bethesda, we offered good cheer to outgoing staff Stephen, John, Lisa, and Ike. It felt so good to be together.

I rely on many leaders and caregivers who are part of this congregation, and their gifts and energies are to be recognized, from council members to livestream technicians, to mysterious people that tend plants and flowers in and around our space.

Students in our lives are tremendous assets for ministry. We will honor and recognize students in these next weeks, including John and in good time Vicar Gabrielle (July 9).

The worship life of our congregation is deepened with songs of joy, lament, and prayer, guided these past years by Stephen Gamboa-Díaz and recently by Ike Harijanto. Stephen has been a trusted colleague in worship planning and I will miss him at his departure in that role on June 4. Both Stephen and Ike may still be around if only on occasion to share our community after they leave their respective roles.

God has provided so much for us, and we have much to ponder and pray about in regards to the future.

We are in it together, and together we can do more.

Thanks be to God.
Pastor Tim Keyl

Save the Dates

- Ascension Worship and Bratfry, Thursday, May 18
- Music Sunday and Karim Ibrahim baptism, May 21
- Pastor Keyl’s sabbatical begins May 22
- Pentecost Sunday, May 28 (wear red!)
- Trinity Sunday, June 4th Stephen Gamboa-Díaz’ final Sunday; Recognition of High School Graduates; Recognition of Learning Ministries; Annual Cookout and Potluck at the Whitney Avenue Paved Circle

Worship Livestream

We stream Sunday worship services live on Bethesda’s YouTube Channel. Join us live at 9:30 am every Sunday or watch the recording afterward.

Click here to access this Sunday's bulletin.

Contemplative Prayer

Contemplative Prayer continues on Wednesday evenings from 6:30 to 7:00. Light a candle and join us on zoom for prayer and reflection.

Click here to join

Bible Study on Zoom

Bethesda's Bible Study continues to discuss NT Wright's Acts. The next gathering will be Wednesday, May 10 at 8:00 am.

When? Every other Wednesday at 8:00 am

Where? On Zoom, click here to join (or join by telephone: 203-432-9666; Meeting ID: 961 0888 6279)

Letter from Music Intern Ike Harijanto

Dear Bethesda,

This coming Sunday will be my final worship service as an intern at Bethesda. During my time here my confidence has grown, and by confidence I mean trust. Trust in myself which, I have discovered, is inseparable from trust in the assembly I’m serving, which is you. Here I grew this trust by first being trusted: by being given access to the church to practice the organ, and the key to the church’s office. At first thinking that my main job was to learn how to accompany, I’ve come to being entrusted with many more roles: leading warm-ups during choir rehearsals, cantoring the psalm, conducting, reading the Passion.

The trust I grew is not in feeling I have special skills no one else has and can therefore do something for you. Rather, I’ve come to trust that I have a part to play in an assembly whose members actively do their parts for the communal good. Sometimes Maggie, Richard, and Dianne are up in the loft singing, and the next moment they’re down at the lectern reading. Eleanor came up to the loft on Sunday mornings she heard the choir was missing singers, and Greta showed up to play Yahweh on Easter Vigil upon a last-minute call. Many more of us switch roles and change positions in church during worship and outside, and seeing these examples from you gives me confidence that I have a place and can offer what I have, as long as I am first willing to say yes.

I love how musically creative worship at Bethesda is, and learned about what went into planning it in the worship planning meetings that Pastor Keyl and Stephen held. Here I was introduced to music from churches all around the world, from Yarabba Ssalami; Spanish-speaking, Scandinavian, and African music; and my current favorite, African American spirituals. The worship is vibrant, I think because it is not a concert given to a passive audience, and that is thanks to how musically active, willing, and capable the Bethesda congregation is. You collaborate with the choir instead of letting us do the work. Your participation level, to name one, in singing the psalms, is something I rarely find elsewhere. It was my first time hearing the congregation taking part in singing the formidably long Psalm 22 on Good Friday!

I could mention more things I learned at Bethesda if space weren’t limited. What I received I could not have asked for in my prayers, because I did not know they existed. So to again follow Paul in his letters, I give thanks to God for you. Thank you for having me this year. If you have any feedback for me, don’t hesitate to come to me. Until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of God’s hand.

Ike Harijanto

Upcoming Forum Schedule

Join us after worship each Sunday at 11:00 am in the Parish House Living Room!
May 7th - "Beyond the Medieval Walls: Stories from Churches Outside of Wittenberg" with Jeff Hazewinkel
May 14th - RIC and Inclusive Language with Vicar Gabrielle and Bethany Keyl

Dan Pflueger Preaching This Sunday
Dan Pflueger M.Div. '23 has been a part of Bethesda's community since 2021, and has been an active member of the YDS Lutheran Student community. Originally from rural Ohio, Dan graduated from Boston College with B.A. in Philosophy and Theology. Dan intends to remain in New Haven for his next season, beginning with a full-time position at IRIS refugee services in June.

Welcome, LuMin Students and Bethesda House This Sunday!

Time to Work on the Giving Garden!

May 13th - Giving Garden Bed Cleanup at 8:00 am

Come with your garden tools and gloves to help prepare the Giving Garden Beds for planting. This shouldn’t take long!

May 20th - Giving Garden Planting at 9:00 am

Come help us get the plants in the ground! Bring your tools and gloves.

Blessings for Graduates Sunday, May 14
Farewell and Godspeed to John Aden and Maissie Musick
Next Sunday at Bethesda we will hear John Aden YDS MAR ‘23 and Bethesda’s Office Assistant 2021-2023 preach. We will also offer blessings for YDS, Yale, and other University graduates in worship with a reception at coffee hour.

Ascension Outdoor Day Worship and Bratfry Thursday, May 18

Potluck begins at 6:00 pm

Bethesda’s annual custom of holding Ascension on its date–the 40th day of Easter is on for May 18. We will hold a simple eucharist on this feast day at 6 pm outdoors, weather permitting, on the grass area by the Whitney Avenue paved circle. Drinks and grilled items will be provided, including vegetarian fare. Bring food to share and a chair or blanket to sit on.

Music Sunday - May 21

On Sunday, May 21 at 4:30 p.m., the Bethesda Music Series will present its final concert of the 2022-2023 season. The concert will feature the music of Bethesda member and composer Christopher Lee in a varied program of choral works and hymns, solo works for voice and piano, instrumental jazz quartet, and an anthem for choir and jazz ensemble. Performers include Bethesda’s own musicians and friends. Dubbed “Music Sunday,” the freewill offering and online donations from this concert will provide financial support for the upcoming Bethesda Music Series season. A reception will follow. Please share this information and invite your friends and neighbors.

The mission of the Bethesda Music Series is to present music for the enjoyment of all while raising funds to support local charities and non-profit organization that serve the community in the Greater New Haven area.

Donations may be made anytime through May 21. Designate your gift "Music Series" when you give online or with a check.

Olive Oil Orders are Delayed!

Due an internal matter related to food products, Bethesda’s Olive Oil order placed mid-April to benefit The Lutheran World Federation in Jerusalem’s Vocational Training Center is stuck at the Israeli Airport postal center. It will either be shipped soon or returned to the LWF Jerusalem Office and a refund will be processed. If you have made an order, thank you for your patience. If the order is returned, please let Leigh Cromey know if you would like the refund or simply make your purchase a strict donation. Email Leigh at [email protected].

Music Director Search Update
A job description has been posted on various websites, and applications have been received. Next steps will be to schedule interviews and ensure organ supply playing for the weeks following Stephen’s farewell which is Trinity Sunday, June 4th. Don Youngberg is chairing the Search Committee.

Updates and Opportunities on Masonry Work and Bethesda’s Sustainable Future

Capasso Masonry has begun its long-awaited repair on brickwork in three places on the Parish House. They may finish in the next week. This will enable us to reopen access to the patio, Memorial Garden, and Giving Garden. This will also address one of the critical items from the Building Assessment report.

Partners for Sacred Places offered a preliminary report to Pastor Keyl and Rachelle Goto on their Feasibility Study begun in December 2022, and will provide a written report by May 10. Bethesda’s Sustainable Future Task Force will resume its work on discerning Bethesda’s future, vision, and decision-making in conjunction with leaders. There will be forums for the congregation to learn and discuss the report once it is available.

Now that we are underway in a new direction with contractors and consultants, we are inviting contributions toward repayment of the $92,100 loan provided by the ELCA Mission Investment Fund for these two projects. There may be a more concentrated fund drive coming, but we now invite your one-time or regular giving toward a newly created Bethesda’s Sustainable Future to pay down the loan. You may put BSF on a check memo, or use the newly created option on Tithely.

Bethesda is generous. Thank you for your gifts.

Watershed Workshop - April 30

Thank you to Pastor Nancy Wright who led last week’s Watershed Workshop. Rev. Dr. Nancy Wright led the workshop and preached at worship. Also, Drs. Mary Evelyn Tucker and John Grim, founders of Yale's Religion and Ecology program, led us all in congratulating Pastor Wright on her upcoming 50th anniversary of ordination.

If you’d like to play a part in Bethesda’s commitment to care for our creation, please email [email protected].

Support Bethesda's Internship!

Bethesda has been wonderfully served by students -- part-time and full-time -- for decades. Our ministry benefits as they learn. However, support for these partners is not in our budget; it comes from generosity beyond our pledges. Additional support of $14,200 is needed between now and July 15 so our Student Ministry Fund can provide for the final months of Vicar Gabrielle's internship. Please consider a donation or two in gratitude for her service to us.

Prayer Requests

For healing and strength: Marilyn Witte, sister of Dianne Witte; Lynn Arezzini; Rachel, daughter of Mary Browne; Pastor Ruth Drews; John Ferreira, nephew of Chris Couture; Kathryn and Karolyn Lee, aunts of Chris Lee; George Arndt, father of Lynn Arezzini; Michelle Lee, friend of Christina Castañeda; Mark Barnett, nephew of Becky Lerud; Marie Gray; Sonja Krummrey; Maureen Anderson; Natalie Denardis, granddaughter of Gail Denardis; Shirley Farm; Anne and Lee Keck; Kay Leone; Molly Dinneen; Karen (Starbranch) Blitch, daughter of Chuck Starbranch.

For our partners in the Gospel: the congregations and schools of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land (ELCJHL) and LuMin Campus Ministry; for Bethesda House and Yale Divinity School students.

For Bethesda New Haven: that God continues to guide us into the future with ministries of witness, service, hospitality, and care while building up our community in all its diversity.

For those in candidacy for rostered leadership in the ELCA: Natalie Benson, Calli Micale, Vicar Gabrielle Brown, and Jeff Hazewinkel (in formation for consecration as deacon).

For those preparing for baptism: Karim Ibrahim.

For Bethesda in its search for anew Music Director (Stephen Gamboa-Díaz’s last Sunday is June 4th).

For former Vicar Kurt Saenger-Heyl (2021-2022) at his graduation from Wartburg Seminary May 14.

For those who mourn: Elizabeth and Paul Outka, at the death of their father Gene Outka, who died on May 1. Gene was Dwight Professor Emeritus of Philosophy and Christian Ethics at Yale Divinity School. See the announcement from Yale Divinity School’s Dean Sterling. Arrangements are pending.