
Bethesda Lutheran Church Special Announcement - Donate to Bethesda’s Can Sculpture

Religion and Spirituality

May 27, 2022

From: Bethesda Lutheran Church

Donate to Bethesda’s Can Sculpture

Please donate to Bethesda’s Canning Hunger can sculpture—a table with bread and cup. We’ll need donations to purchase 940 cans for the build. Checks can be made out to Bethesda Lutheran Church with “Canning Hunger” in the memo, or you can donate online using Tithe.ly and select “Special Gifts” in the Give To section. If you’d prefer to donate cans, rather than money, please reach out to Wendy Mallette at [email protected] for details about which specific cans are needed.

We’ll need these donations by June 1, if possible, to enable our practice build on June 5. Anyone interested in helping with the construction of the sculpture can join for the practice build after church on Sunday, June 5 and can participate in the build on Saturday, June 11, 11a-2p on the New Haven Green. We also invite everyone to drop by the Green on June 11 to cheer Bethesda’s team on and vote for their favorite sculpture.

Click here to view the design for the sculpture created by Martin Gehner, which should give a sense of the scale and scope of Bethesda’s sculpture.