
Burgum Releases Statement on U.S. Supreme Court Opinion That Returns Abortion Issue to the States

Government and Politics

June 25, 2022

From: North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum

Bismarck, N.D. – Governor Doug Burgum released the following statement regarding the U.S. Supreme Court opinion issued on June 24th, that effectively overturns Roe v. Wade and allows states to set their own laws related to abortion.

“On June 24th’s landmark Supreme Court decision returns power to the states where it belongs,” Burgum said. “Our administration has consistently supported pro-life legislation and this decision is a victory for the many North Dakotans who have fought so hard and for so long to protect the unborn in our state. We will now work diligently with the North Dakota Attorney General’s Office to fulfill our constitutional duty by carrying out the 2007 legislation that is triggered by the overturning of Roe v. Wade. We must now turn to prioritizing women’s health, including expectant mothers and children in need.”

The 2007 Legislature passed a law that makes it a Class C felony to perform an abortion in North Dakota except to save the life of the mother or in the case of rape or incest. The law, North Dakota Century Code 12.1-31-12, will take effect on the 30th day after the North Dakota Attorney General certifies to Legislative Council that the U.S. Supreme Court has restored to the states the authority to prohibit abortion.