
City Of Cupertino Awarded Over $8 Million To Improve And Expand Via-Cupertino

Government and Politics

July 8, 2022

From: City of Cupertino

CUPERTINO, CA – The City of Cupertino is pleased to announce that it has been awarded over $8 million in grant funding to improve and expand the Via-Cupertino Shuttle Program.

Today, the California State Transportation Agency (CalSTA) announced its multimillion-dollar budget investment into its fifth cycle of Transit and Intercity Rail Capital Program (TIRCP) grants to expand transit and intercity rail service and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The City’s Via-Cupertino Shuttle Program has been awarded $8,465,000.

“We are thrilled to receive this funding from the California State Transportation Agency for Cupertino’s efforts,” said Mayor Darcy Paul. “We are deeply grateful to CalSTA for recognizing that a local City’s efforts to address its transportation needs are a valued part of a broader solution. As both Mayor of Cupertino and as the VTA Board Member representing the West Valley municipalities, I know that this $8 million grant will go to great use.”

The funding will focus on expanding Via-Cupertino to offer a wider service area and to expand services into the City of Santa Clara. This will expand transit options for users and deploy a zero-emission vehicle fleet. The service expansion will focus on offering improved connections to regional rail stations, facilitating longer trips and increasing access for disadvantaged communities and seniors, two populations that have historically been underserved by transit providers.

“I congratulate all the TIRCP grant recipients as we work together to rapidly cut pollution from the transportation sector with faster, more frequent, more affordable and more reliable transit service that increases ridership and reduces our dependence on driving,” said California State Transportation Agency Secretary Toks Omishakin.

View a list of all award recipients and detailed project summaries here.