
City of Cupertino Council Actions Newsletter: December 6, 2022

Government and Politics

December 12, 2022

From: City of Cupertino

City Council Meeting

Watch the December 6, 2022 Meeting (Part 1Part 2) (Agenda)

City Council Actions:

Ceremonial Matters and Presentations

-Certificate Recognizing Captain Rich Urena

Council presented a certificate of appreciation to Captain Rich Urena for his years of service to the Cupertino community as West Valley Patrol Captain.

Certificates Recognizing Rudy Lomas and Kane Wolfe

Council presented certificates of appreciation recognizing Rudy Lomas and Kane Wolfe for their years of service to the City of Cupertino upon their retirements.

Postponements and Orders of the Day

Council postponed Item 11 to the December 20 City Council meeting.

Mitigation Fee Act: Annual and Five-Year Report for Fiscal Year 2021-2022

This item was postponed to the December 20 City Council meeting.

Reports by Council and Staff

Councilmembers provided brief reports and announcements on their public activities since the prior regular Council meeting.

Councilmembers provided updates on their Committee assignments.

Councilmembers provided updates on their Subcommittee assignments.

City Manager provided updates on City business.

Council received the Community Development Department update.

Consent Calendar

8-10. Council approved Items 8-10 on the Consent Calendar as presented, continued Item 11 as noted above in Postponements and Orders of the Day, and pulled Item 12 for discussion.

Blackberry Farm Pool Improvements Project

Council took action to:

-authorize the City Manager to award a construction contract in an amount not to exceed 90% of the appropriated project budget limits to the lowest responsive bidder if there are no unresolved bid protests; and

-authorize the Director of Public Works to allow a construction contingency budget of 15% of the construction contract amount to address unforeseen conditions discovered during construction.

Study Session

Small Cellular Facilities within Public Right of Way

Following staff report and discussion, Council directed staff to make modifications to the proposed Draft Ordinance, and to address the concerns based on the comments heard and that were raised in the Verizon attorney letter from Mackenzie & Albritton LLP, dated December 5. Other modifications and further direction include:

-Strike “Main Streets” from Tier 1 Preference, reference General Plan information.

-Split Major and Minor Collectors into two separate tiers, reference General Plan information.

-Reference the General Plan Figure M-2 Circulation Network for street types and include the map on the Small Cell webpage and provide this map as an attachment to the staff report when the ordinance returns to City Council.

-Increase setback distance to occupied structures from 20’ to 25’.

-Consider a larger sign for pole notification – Two 8.5”x11” (11”x17”) and add large text at the top to provide clarity.

-Provide a sample image of the envelopes that will be used for the mailed notifications.

-Look for opportunities to increase the notification radius from 300’ to 500’.

-Consider expanding the separation distances from 500’ between facilities from the same provider to a minimum of 1000’ and require carriers to provide data justifying any facility closer than 1000’.

Public Hearings

Consider Approval of Proposed Development

Following staff report and discussion, Council took action to:

-adopt Resolution No. 22-146 adopting an addendum to a previously adopted Mitigated Negative Declaration and approving the Development Permit (DP-2022-001);

-adopt Resolution No. 22-147 approving the Architectural and Site Approval Permit (ASA-2022-002);

-adopt Resolution No. 22-148 approving the Vesting Tentative Map (TM-2022-003); and

-adopt Resolution No. 22-149 approving the Tree Removal Permit (TR-2022-026).

Cupertino City Council
Swearing-In Ceremony
Friday, December 9 at 6 p.m.

Community Hall
10350 Torre Avenue
Cupertino, CA 95014

Join the City of Cupertino for the City Council Swearing-In Ceremony. Say farewell to our outgoing councilmembers, welcome our new councilmembers, and tune in for the election of mayor and vice mayor.

- Reception begins at 5:15 p.m. in the Community Hall lobby

- Light refreshments will be served

- Overflow seating will be available in the City Hall lobby and library expansion space

Reception courtesy of Mayor Paul as an allocation from the Mayor's fund.