
City Of Cupertino : Council Actions Newsletter - February 24, 2023

Government and Politics

February 25, 2023

From: City of Cupertino

City Council Meeting

Watch the February 21, 2023 Meeting (Part 1Part 2) (Agenda)

City Council Actions:

The Mayor recognized and honored February as Black History Month.

Ceremonial Items

- Certificates Recognizing 2022 STEM Winners and Participants of Santa Clara County 2022 Synopsys Championship Science Fair from the City of Cupertino

City Council presented certificates of recognition to the 2022 STEM Winners from Cupertino who participated in the Santa Clara County 2022 Synopsys Championship Science Fair.

- Proclamation Recognizing the Wafu School of Ikebana

City Council presented a proclamation recognizing the Wafu School of Ikebana.

- Proclamation Recognizing Fusako "Seiga" Hoyrup

City Council presented a proclamation recognizing Fusako "Seiga" Hoyrup, a principal instructor of the Wafu School of Ikebana.

Oral Communications

Councilmembers requested that staff bring back an item for discussion on a future agenda to remove Commissioner R Wang from the Planning Commission with a resolution attached thereto.

Consent Calendar

Council approved Items 4 and 7-9 as presented, and pulled Items 5 and 6 for discussion.

Action Calendar

- Response to 2022 Civil Grand Jury of Santa Clara County Report Entitled, "A House Divided" (continued from February 7)

Council took action to approve the response to the 2022 Civil Grand Jury of Santa Clara County Report entitled, "A House Divided" with amendments:

- Re Finding 1

Change language to not overstate the City’s actions. Change last sentence in first paragraph to:

In addition, the City continues to make policy progress in many areas—for example, the City Council recently approved two significant large development projects and a number of smaller developments in a timely fashion, and the City continues to innovate in policy areas such as its response to climate change and the reduction of single-use plastics.

- Re Finding 4 and elsewhere as the City Attorney deems appropriate or helpful to the strength of the response:

Adding language to note:

- the adoption of the Council Procedures Manual,
- that the City will revisit its Ethics Policy using the 2018 policy as a starting point for revision,
- that the City will revisit the Commissioner’s Handbook to bring it into alignment with the Council Procedures Manual and to address other - concerns raised by the Civil Grand Jury Report,
- and that the City Attorney will investigate and report back on other violations of the Municipal Code with respect to council-staff and commissioner-staff relations so that the City Council may establish policy to correct or prevent such violations in future.

- Resolution No. 23-026 to Repeal and Replace Resolution No. 18-010

City Clerk Kirsten Squarcia read the title of Ordinance No. 23-2247 repealing Municipal Code Chapters 2.84, 2.90, and 2.96, adopting Municipal Code Chapter 17.02, and amending Municipal Code Chapters 2.32, 2.88, 9.20, 19.08, 19.12, 19.28, 19.104, and 19.124.

Following staff presentation and discussion, Council took action to adopt the staff recommendation:

- adopt Resolution No. 23-026 to repeal and replace Resolution No. 18-010, regarding the Legislative Review Committee; and
- conduct the first reading of Ordinance No. 23-2247 repealing Municipal Code Chapters 2.84, 2.90, and 2.96, adopting Municipal Code Chapter 17.02, and amending Municipal Code Chapters 2.32, 2.88, 9.20, 19.08, 19.12, 19.28, 19.104, and 19.124; and
- find the actions exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act.

Items Removed from the Consent Calendar

The following items were pulled from the Consent Calendar and placed after the Action Calendar for discussion. Council also reordered the agenda to hear Item 6 before Item 5.

- Commemorative Bench Dedication Policy and Commemorative Fee for Marilyn Francesco

Council took action to:

- approve the staff recommendation to adopt Resolution No. 23-024 (Attachment A) establishing the Commemorative Bench Dedication Policy.
- waive the Commemorative Bench Dedication Bench Policy to allow a one-time waiver for the policy for Marilyn Francesco.

- Consider Ratifying Accounts Payable for the Period Ending November 13, 2022 (continued from February 7)

Council took action to adopt Resolution No. 23-023 ratifying Accounts Payable for the period ending November 13, 2022.

Informational Items

- Monthly Treasurer's Report for December 2022 (continued from February 7)

The information was provided to Council.

- Informational Memorandum Regarding Retail Square Footage Analysis of Main Street (continued from February 7)

The information was provided to Council.