
City Of Cupertino Council Actions Newsletter - January 20, 2023

Government and Politics

January 23, 2023

From: City of Cupertino

City Council Meeting

Watch the January 17, 2023 Meeting (Part 1Part 2) (Agenda)

City Council Actions:

Ceremonial Matters and Presentations

1. Certificate Recognizing Captain Neil Valenzuela

City Council presented a certificate of appreciation to Captain Neil Valenzuela to welcome him back to the Cupertino community as Captain of the West Valley Patrol Division of the Santa Clara County Sheriff's Office.

Postponements and Orders of the Day

Council reordered the agenda to hear Item 27 and Item 28 after Oral Communications.

Public Hearings

27. Weed Abatement Program

Council moved to adopt Resolution No. 23-019 ordering abatement of public nuisance from weeds or other fire hazards pursuant to provisions of Cupertino Municipal Code Chapter 9.08 and Resolution No. 22-138 with a modification that APN 375-07-029 on Loree Avenue be stricken from the list.

Ordinances and Action Items

28. Elected Officials' Compensation Program

Council took action to adopt Resolution No. 23-020 amending the Elected Officials' Compensation Program.

Reports by Council and Staff

2. Councilmembers provided brief reports and announcements on their public activities since the prior regular Council meeting.

3. Councilmembers provided updates on their Committee assignments.

4. Councilmembers provided updates on their Subcommittee assignments.

5. City Manager provided updates on City business.

Consent Calendar

Council approved Items 6-911-1214-1721-22, and 24-25 on the Consent Calendar as presented, and pulled Items 101318-20, 23, and 26 for discussion.

10. Accounts Payable for Periods Ending October 10, 2022; October 19, 2022; October 24, 2022; and October 31, 2022

Council took action to:

A. adopt Resolution No. 23-002 accepting Accounts Payable for the Period ending October 10, 2022;

B. adopt Resolution No. 23-003 accepting Accounts Payable for the Period ending October 19, 2022;

C. adopt Resolution No. 23-004 accepting Accounts Payable for the Period ending October 24, 2022; and

D. adopt Resolution No. 23-005 accepting Accounts Payable for the Period ending October 31, 2022.

13. Monthly Treasurer's Report for October 2022

Council received the Monthly Treasurer's Report for October 2022.

18. 2023 Council Committee Assignments

Council approved an amendment to the 2023 Council Committee Assignments to designate Councilmember Fruen as the primary and Councilmember Chao as the alternate to the Historical Society Advisory Council, pending Councilmember Fruen's resignation from the Historical Society Board.

19. Response to 2022 Civil Grand Jury of Santa Clara County Report Entitled "Show Me the Money: Financial Transparency Needed"

Council approved the response to the 2022 Civil Grand Jury of Santa Clara County Report entitled, "Show Me the Money: Financial Transparency Needed."

20. Status Update on the 6th Cycle Housing Element Update

Council received a status report on the Housing Element Update and the next steps identified in this report to expedite the Housing Element review process.

23. Blackberry Farm Pool Improvements Capital Improvement Program Project

Council authorized the Director of Public Works to reject all bids received for the Blackberry Farm Pool Improvements Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project.

26. Lawrence-Mitty Park and Trail Project Design

Council approved the Lawrence-Mitty Park and Trail Project design direction following community outreach results and directed staff to proceed to Final Concept Design Development.