
City of Cupertino Council Actions Newsletter: June 24, 2022

Government and Politics

June 25, 2022

From: City of Cupertino

City Council Meeting

Watch the June 21, 2022 Meeting (Part 1Part 2) (Agenda)

City Council Actions:

Reports by Council and Staff

Councilmembers provided brief reports and announcements on their public activities since the prior regular Council meeting.

Councilmembers provided updates on their Committee assignments.

Councilmembers provided updates on their Subcommittee assignments.

City Manager provided updates on City business.

Consent Calendar

Council approved Items 5-9 and 16 on the Consent Calendar as recommended in the Agenda. Council pulled Items 10-15 and 17 for discussion, and continued items 10-14 to the July 19 meeting.

Services Agreement with Carahsoft for Accela

Council authorized the City Manager to execute a services agreement with Carahsoft to renew Accela Permitting, Licensing and Land-use Management System subscription service for the total cost of $1,261,851.26 over five years.

Funding Agreement with City of San Jose for Stevens Creek Boulevard Vision Study

Council took action to:

-Authorize the City Manager to execute a Funding Agreement between the City of Cupertino and City of San Jose for the Stevens Creek Corridor Vision Study; and

-Adopt Resolution No. 22-076 approving Budget Modification #2122-191 in the amount of $154,079 for the City of Cupertino's contribution toward the Stevens Creek Corridor Vision Study, an amount that includes a 10% contingency.

Public Hearings

Brush Abatement Program

Following staff presentation and discussion, Council adopted Resolution 22-077 ordering abatement of public nuisance and potential fire hazard pursuant to Cupertino Municipal Code (Section 16.40.200) regarding Defensible Space (brush) and Resolution No. 22-055.

Ordinances and Action Items

Accounts Payable for the Period Ending December 20, 2021 (Continued from June 7)

Following staff presentation and discussion, Council ratified the Accounts Payable for the period ending December 20, 2021 except for the installment payment for the Chamber of Commerce.

Update on the Status of the Research from the City Council Subcommittee Meetings for the Cupertino Historical Society

Council received an update on the status of the research from the City Council subcommittee meetings for the Cupertino Historical Society and provided the following direction to staff:

-Bring back an agreement for facility use of the Quinlan museum space and meeting spaces in Quinlan

-Bring back an agreement or Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the City and Cupertino Historical Society (CHS) to clarify what services CHS will provide and what processes will be used to ensure transparency and accountability for taxpayer dollars

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