
City of Cupertino Council Actions Newsletter: November 4, 2022

Government and Politics

November 8, 2022

From: City of Cupertino

City Council Meeting
Watch the November 1, 2022 Meeting (Part 1, Part 2) (Agenda)
City Council Actions:

Ceremonial Matters and Presentations

1. Proclamation Recognizing November as Lung Cancer Awareness Month

Council presented a proclamation recognizing November as Lung Cancer Awareness Month. El Camino Health District Board Chair Julia Miller received the proclamation.

2. Proclamation Recognizing November as National Native American Heritage Month

Council presented a proclamation recognizing November as National Native American Heritage Month. Muwekma Ohlone Tribal Chairwoman Charlene Nijmeh received the proclamation.

3. Present Veterans Appreciation Proclamation Honoring Veterans and Military Families

Council presented a veterans appreciation proclamation honoring veterans and military families. Dennis Whittaker and Colonel John Swensson received the proclamation.

Postponements and Orders of the Day

Council moved Item 17 to the Consent Calendar.

Reports by Council and Staff

4. Councilmembers provided brief reports and announcements on their public activities since the prior regular Council meeting.

5. Councilmembers provided updates on their Committee assignments.

6. Councilmembers provided updates on their Subcommittee assignments.

7. City Manager provided updates on City business.

8. Council received a City Work Program update.

Consent Calendar

Council approved Items 9, 10, 12, and 13 on the Consent Calendar as presented, including Item 17 which was added to the Consent Calendar under Postponements and Orders of the Day. Item 11 was pulled for discussion.

11. Electric Vehicle Parking Expansion Request for Proposals

Council approved the staff recommendation as modified to:

approve a purchasing exemption per Cupertino Municipal Code (CMC) Section 3.22.060(B) waiving the formal competitive bidding process; and
approve the Electric Vehicle (EV) Parking Expansion Request for Proposals (RFP) to provide electric vehicle charging stations at six City of Cupertino properties;
Additional Councilmember modifications:

Remove the sixth location Blackberry Farm parking lot
Locate EVCS spots in different locations from existing EV charging stations if possible
Include the rental fee the City is waiving for the use of the City property for charging stations in the contract
Bring the item back when a vendor is selected and update the Council on the selection process and the final contract
Refer the item to Planning and/or Parks and Recreation Commissions when future EV charging station locations are identified on City properties
Second Reading of Ordinances

14. Amendment to Title 16, Buildings and Construction

City Clerk Kirsten Squarcia read the title of Ordinance No. 22-2245: “An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Cupertino Amending Chapters 16.02, 16.04, 16.06, 16.16, 16.20, 16.24, 16.28, 16.32, 16.40, 16.42, 16.54, 16.58, 16.62, 16.64, and 16.68 of Title 16 of the Cupertino Municipal Code adopting the California Building, Residential, Electrical, Mechanical, Plumbing, Energy, Fire, Historical Building Code, Fire, Existing Building Code, Green Building Standards Code, Referenced Standards Code, Uniform Housing Code, and Property Maintenance Code with certain exceptions, deletions, modifications, additions and amendments.”

Council took action to:

read Ordinance No. 22-2245 by title only, and that the City Clerk’s reading constitutes the second reading thereof; and
enact Ordinance No. 22-2245; and
find the project is exempt from CEQA pursuant to 14 California Code of Regulations Sections 15061(b)(3) and 15308.
Ordinances and Action Items

Council moved to hear Item 16 before Item 15.

16. Fiscal Year (FY) 2022-2023 City Work Program Item: Student Internship Program

Council took action to approve the staff recommendation as amended:

proceed with developing the Student Internship Program by incorporating criteria from the 2022 summer intern pilot program and the existing Volunteer Intern Policy; and
approve the formation of a Council Subcommittee and appoint Vice Mayor Chao and Councilmember Wei to guide the final candidate selection process.
Additional Councilmember amendments:

Review existing guidelines and propose revisions
Consider adding college interns as mentors for high school interns
Consider Commissioners as mentors too
Consider existing Work Study Program with Fremont Union High School District (FUHSD) and De Anza College

15. State Legislation Senate Bill 9 (SB 9)

City Clerk Kirsten Squarcia read the title of Ordinance No. 22-2246 as modified: "An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Cupertino amending chapters 18.20.170, 19.08.030, 19.12.030, 19.12.110, 19.28.040, 19.28.050, 19.28.110, 19.28.150, 19.28.170, 19.40.050, 19.40.060, 19.40.090, and 19.112.060 to adopt standards for ministerial approval of duplexes and lot splits in Single-Family Residential zoning districts."

Council took action to:

find the proposed actions exempt from CEQA; and
read Ordinance No. 22-2246 by title only, and that the City Clerk’s reading constitutes the first reading thereof; and
include staff's recommendation regarding grade change limitation with a modification as follows for lots with a slope of more than 10%. For slopes greater than 10%, the slope would be no greater than 36 inches from the existing grade.