
City of Goleta News - Fireworks Are Illegal in Santa Barbara County

Government and Politics

June 25, 2022

From: City of Goleta

Fireworks are Illegal in Santa Barbara County

The Fire Chiefs Association of Santa Barbara County reminds the public that all fireworks, including the so-called “safe and sane“ variety, are illegal in all areas of Santa Barbara County. However, some cities within Santa Barbara County have local rules regarding fireworks within their jurisdiction.

Each July Fourth, thousands of people, most often children and teens, are injured while using legal and illegal fireworks. Despite the dangers of fireworks, few people understand the associated risks - devastating burns, injuries, fires and even death can occur.

Santa Barbara County Fire Chiefs Association recommends the best way to view fireworks is to attend one of the public fireworks displays conducted by professional pyro technicians.

Legal and illegal fireworks put us all at risk because they can easily lead to fires. Especially during our current dry, high fire season conditions. Please do not put our community in harm’s way.

Pets have very sensitive ears and the booms and bangs associated with a fireworks display can be quite uncomfortable, particularly to dogs. Leave pets at home if you plan on attending a fireworks show.

The Santa Barbara County Fire Chiefs Association urges the community to enjoy public displays of fireworks conducted by trained professionals. Remember, unless you are in the cities of Santa Maria or Lompoc, that all fireworks are illegal everywhere else in Santa Barbara County.

Have an enjoyable and safe Fourth of July.