
City of Goleta News - Revised Goleta Housing Element to be Submitted to State

Government and Politics

August 3, 2023

From: City of Goleta

Includes Sites for Rezoning from Joint City Council and Planning Commission Study Sessions

The Goleta City Council and Planning Commission held three Joint Study Sessions (July 20, 25, and 31) to receive feedback regarding rezoning of parcels within the City to increase the amount of land available for housing. After many hours and extensive public comment at all three study sessions, staff will proceed with adding rezone sites to the Housing Element 2023-2031 for public and State review.

The City had submitted its adopted Housing Element 2023-2031 to the State for review in January 2023. On March 20, 2023, the State issued a letter requesting that the City revise its Housing Element and consider rezoning land to address the State’s required Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA).

Staff will update the Housing Element 2023-2031 with the rezone sites, post the revised Housing Element for public review and submit the revised draft Housing Element for a 60-day California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) review. The updated Housing Element will be available on the City’s Housing Element webpage in mid-August.

After that review, staff will address any comments received and proceed to the Planning Commission and City Council for adoption of the revised Housing Element 2023-2031.

The study sessions are available to watch on the City website:

 - July 20th Study Session: https://tinyurl.com/5xzay39t
 - July 25th Study Session: https://tinyurl.com/4y7ekfw2
 - July 31st Study Session: https://tinyurl.com/4ssf7br3

For more information on the City’s Housing Element Update project, go to https://cityofgoleta.org/HousingElement. If you have any questions about the project, please email City staff at [email protected]For inquiries in Spanish, please contact Marcos Martinez, Spanish Engagement Specialist, at (805) 562-5500 or [email protected].