
City of Goleta News Wrap-Up: February 2023

Government and Politics

February 8, 2023

From: City of Goleta

Welcome to the February edition of the Monarch Press. This is one of our favorite months of the year as the City’s birthday is February 2. This year we turned 21 years old and have so much to be proud of. Thank you for being on this journey with us. Just in time for our birthday the City launched its City and Library refreshed websites. Make sure to check them out! The sites are easier to navigate, more accessible and mobile-friendly. Enjoy! As usual, there is a lot going on this month in Goleta. Thanks for taking time to get caught up on what is happening in your city and for caring about being informed

Goleta Launches Refreshed City & Library Websites
The City of Goleta is pleased to announce the launch of its refreshed City website (www.CityofGoleta.org) and Goleta & Santa Ynez Valley Libraries website (www.GoletaValleyLibrary.org) which are now mobile-friendly and more accessible. While enhancements will continue to be added over time, we hope you will find the websites easier to navigate to find what you need.

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Winter Storms
The storms last month reminded us how important it is to be prepared in advance for winter storms. This is a good reminder to sign up for information from both Santa Barbara County and the City of Goleta.

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Earthquake Readiness

Our community just faced a natural disaster in the form of storms and flooding. There are other possible disasters that can occur in California, including earthquakes. The best time to prepare for an earthquake is before it happens.

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City Adopts Housing Plan
City Adopts Housing Element graphic
Addresses Local Housing Needs for the Next Eight Years

The City of Goleta has a new Housing Element for the next eight years. The Council unanimously adopted the City’s 2023-2031 Housing Element at its January 17, 2023, City Council meeting. As a result, the City will submit its Housing Element to the State for review in advance of the February 15, 2023, statutory deadline. Read more...

Public Comment Period Open for County Housing Plan Proposal
County Housing2
The County of Santa Barbara has released the Draft 2023 - 2031 Housing Element Update for public review and is seeking public comments. To view the Draft Housing Element Update, click here. Community members can review and submit comments through 5:00 PM on March 1, 2023. Read more...

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