
City Of Goleta - Reminds The Community To Celebrate July 4th Without Illegal Fireworks

Government and Politics

July 1, 2022

From: City of Goleta

Independence Day is THIS Monday, July 4th, and the City of Goleta is reminding the community to celebrate safely - setting off fireworks is not only illegal but puts us all in harm’s way. The City recently released a video message featuring Goleta’s Mayor Paula Perotte, Santa Barbara County Fire Chief Mark Hartwig and Goleta Chief of Police Services, Lt. Rich Brittingham urging community members to celebrate Independence Day without illegal fireworks. If you haven’t already, please take a moment to watch our video in English or Spanish and we encourage you to share the video with your friends and family.

To report illegal fireworks, call the non-emergency dispatch line at 805-683-2724. 

Besides being dangerous, fireworks can also cause a great deal of stress for people who are noise sensitive, and they can be terrifying for pets. Every year, fireworks cause animals to run away, some who are lost forever.

The Santa Barbara County Animal Services is urging pet owners to plan ahead. Crates are available for loan for free beginning tomorrow, July 1 through Wednesday, July 6 at the Animal Shelter located at 5473 Overpass Road. 

While no group has organized a professional fireworks show at Girsh Park this year as has been done in year’s past, the City of Goleta hopes you have a safe and fun Independence Day wherever you choose to celebrate the Fourth of July. 

Thank you in advance for being a considerate neighbor this Independence Day and always.