
City of Goleta : Self-Service Sandbag Stations Available for Residents

Government and Politics

January 12, 2023

From: City of Goleta

With more rain on the way, the City of Goleta wants to remind the community about the three self-service sandbag stations that the City has provided for residents to protect their homes from storm damage. Thank you to our Public Works Department for keeping these replenished:

-Fire Station 11 (6901 Frey Way and Storke Road just south of Santa Felicia, across from the main post office)

-Fire Station 14 (320 Los Carneros Road next to the Stow House Museum lot)

-Goleta Community Center (5679 Hollister Avenue)

Here are some things you should know about sandbag pick up:

-Sand and bags are available on a first come, first served basis.

-Bring your shovel to fill the bags.

-Pick up is open during daylight hours, seven days/week.

-20 bag limit (additional bags can be purchased at home improvement stores).

-Bags are for residents.

-It is easiest to fill the bags with two people — one to hold the bag and the other to shovel the sand.

For disposal of old Polypropylene sandbags:

-Residents may displace old sand in planters or on lawns and dispose of bags in their trash containers.

-Residents may also bring their old, filled bags to Public Works Corporate Yard located at 6735 Hollister Avenue (behind the Deckers building) for disposal.

Stay informed, register for emergency alerts from Santa Barbara County at readysbc.org, and sign up for emergency information from the City at https://tinyurl.com/GoletaEmergency. Get more tips on winter storm preparedness here.