
City of Lake Saint Louis News City Takes Steps To Reduce Speeding On Ronald Reagan Drive

Government and Politics

August 18, 2022

From: City of Lake Saint Louis


City Takes Steps to Reduce Speeding on Ronald Reagan Drive

Over the last several years we have received an increasing number of complaints regarding speeding motorists on several roads throughout the City. One of the locations that concerns us the most is Ronald Reagan Drive between Lake Saint Louis Boulevard and Technology Drive. This stretch of road is used by many children to walk to Green Tree Elementary and Boulevard Park.

City staff have conducted speed studies that show a significant percentage of drivers are driving faster than the posted speed. As a result, the City has taken several steps to try and encourage more appropriate speeds in the area. Public Works has installed driver feedback signs to remind drivers of the speed limit and alert drivers when they are exceeding the speed limit, while the Police Department has increased enforcement in the area.

Unfortunately, the steps we have taken have not adequately addressed the speeding issue. After further discussions with city staff, the Board of Aldermen have decided to install temporary curbs and markers in the center lane of Ronald Reagan Drive to narrow the through lanes and hopefully slow traffic. If this temporary action successfully reduces speeds, we may look at ways to fund a project that makes these medians permeant with concrete curbs and landscaping.


Jason Law