
City of Napa News - September 23, 2022

Government and Politics

September 24, 2022

From: City Of Napa

City of Napa News - September 23, 2022

Application Period OPEN: Community Recovery  Bank Funding

The application period is now open for the City of Napa’s Community Recovery Bank and eligible organizations and businesses are invited to apply. 

Earlier this year, the City of Napa City Council directed a total of $1,150,000 million of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding to be made available as grants, via a Community Recovery Bank, to assist with community recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. The Community Recovery Bank program is designed to support organizations, programs, and activities that benefit City of Napa residents and small businesses. 

Organizations eligible to apply include nonprofits that are corporations, associations, agencies, or faith-based organizations with a 501(c)(3) or 501(c)(6) nonprofit status under the Internal Revenue Service Code, as well as for-profit small businesses that meet additional eligibility requirements. All eligible applicants must serve City of Napa residents or businesses, provide proof of insurance, and be in good standing with the California Secretary of State and the California Attorney General’s Registry of Charitable Trusts, if required by law to be registered. 

Available grants are available with a minimum of $5,000 and a maximum of $350,000 per organization.

Applicants may apply for funds from September 15, 2022, through October 15, 2022. Priority will be given to those applications which help support communities and populations most disproportionately impacted by the pandemic. Award recommendations will also be reflective the Community Survey results which demonstrated high public interest in community programs to support housing assistance, homelessness services, as well as aid to for programs that support our businesses and childcare programs. 

To learn more about eligibility, grand awards, and the application process, please visit www.cityofnapa.org/CommunityRecoveryBankApplication

Napa Makes: Supporting Local Manufacturing and Creative Sectors

The City of Napa is announcing that its Make it in Napa initiative, which was released to the public in 2021, is gaining a new name: Napa Makes.

Locals may be familiar with the name “Napa Makes,” which was conceived as a community-driven and family-friendly annual event highlighting local artists and craftspeople.

Learn more about the evolution of Napa Makes here!

Malfatti: A Napa Legend

Napa is full of history! Did you know about the 'Dumpling that Became a Napa Valley Legend'?

Malfatti is a spinach and cheese dumpling. The most famous malfatti in California can now be found at The Food Mill, 704 Trancas Street, in Napa, where three generations of the Cittoni family work. Clemente Cittoni, the family patriarch, moved from Lake Como, Italy to Napa in the 1960s and has built a legacy here.  

Learn more about Malfatti and its history in Napa:  https://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2016/10/08/494569112/malfatti-the-dumpling-that-became-a-napa-valley-legend 

Earthquake Preparedness
September is National Emergency Preparedness Month Today, we are sharing ways you can be prepared for an earthquake!

You never know when a natural disaster like an earthquake may strike, so it's important to #BePrepared. Napa's last major earthquake was a 6.0 magnitude earthquake in 2014, which caused extensive community damage as the largest earthquake event in the San Francisco Bay Area since 1989.

Prepare by:

Creating a family emergency plan with a plan of where to meet if you get separated

Practicing the Drop, Cover and Hold On technique with family or coworkers

Making a supply kit with food and water, a flashlight, whistle and a fire extinguisher

Protecting your home by securing heavy objects like bookcases, refrigerators and TVs to the wall
Visit ready.gov/earthquakes to learn more!

Click here for More Information