
City Of Napa News The City Of Napa Establishes Citywide Governance Policy For Elected Officials

Government and Politics

December 22, 2022

From: City Of Napa

On December 20, 2022, Napa City Council adopted a resolution formalizing their commitment to govern the City at an at-large basis. The resolution affirms each Councilmember’s commitment to helping all Napa community members regardless of the district in which a resident resides or the location of a proposed project. The resolution stemmed from this year’s Council Workshops, during which the Council shared the benefits of at-large governance: inclusive customer service, well-balanced allocation of taxpayer resources and overall consistency in City services.

“The City Council’s commitment to citywide governance will benefit the community as a whole,” said Mayor Scott Sedgley. “Together, the City Council and staff are dedicated to a decision-making process that will provide accessible resources and maintain excellent quality of life for all of our residents.”

The resolution follows the City’s transition from citywide elections to district elections, first implemented in the 2020 election. Under a district-based system, the City is divided into four separate geographical districts, and the voters residing in each district vote for one Councilmember who also resides in that district. The office of the Mayor remains a separate office that is directly elected by the voters citywide.

The public provided significant input during the initial district formation process in 2020 and again during the redistricting process that was held in 2022 based on the 2020 federal census. Following the 2020 and 2022 elections, all seated Councilmembers have now been elected by their respective districts. In the future, this resolution will be part of materials prepared for City Council candidates and during the City Councilmember onboarding process.

With the citywide governance policy in mind, the City will continue to ensure decisions and resource allocation are made based on long-term strategic planning and best management practices to benefit all Napa residents. For more information about the City Council’s duties and district-based elections, visit https://www.cityofnapa.org/251/City-Council.