
City Of Naperville News - Municipal Officers Electoral Board Rules on Objection to Mayoral Nomination Petition

Government and Politics

December 19, 2022

From: City Of Naperville

Municipal Officers Electoral Board Rules on Objection to Mayoral Nomination Petition

The City of Naperville informs residents and interested parties that the Municipal Officers Electoral Board reconvened , Dec. 16, on the objection to the Mayoral nomination petition of Tiffany Stephens in the upcoming 2023 Consolidated General Election.

The local electoral board, which is comprised of Mayor Steve Chirico, Naperville City Clerk Pam Gallahue and Naperville City Council member Paul Hinterlong, opened the hearing for Case Number 22-03 this past Monday, Dec. 12 but then continued it to today so that both parties could subpoena documents needed for the hearing.

After the objector presented his case, the candidate made a motion for Directed Finding that the objector did not show the candidate failed to reside within the City of Naperville for the required residency period of one year prior to the 2023 election. The board voted 2-1 to grant the candidate’s motion for Directed Finding, therefore keeping Tiffany Stephens on the ballot for the office of Mayor.

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