
City of Opelika - Caroline Dean Wildflower Trail Honors Billie Oliver With Plaque Unveiling

Government and Politics

July 19, 2022

From: City of Opelika

A plaque honoring Billie Oliver will be unveiled at the Caroline Dean Wildflower Trail on Wednesday, August 3rd at 10 a.m. Oliver, Lee County Master Gardener, is the architect of the Caroline Dean Wildflower Trail at Opelika’s Municipal Park (Park Road, Opelika, Alabama, 36801).

Over the past 12 years Oliver created landscape plans, wrote grant letters, prepared budgets, designed signage, advocated support, raised funds, rallied volunteers and put forth countless hours of labor to make the Caroline Dean Wildflower Trail what it is today.

The Caroline Dean Wildflower Trail is a teaching garden made up of native plants. The trail is maintained by the Lee County Master Gardeners.