
City of Port Arthur News : The United States Census Bureau Needs Your Input,Port Arthur

Government and Politics

September 23, 2022

From: City of Port Arthur

The U.S. Census Bureau is ready to hear from us about ways to improve the count of every woman, man, and child in our fair city in the upcoming 2030 Census! The next count is a little over seven years away, but the Bureau is making plans now and staff is requesting our ideas! Read on...

Help Us Improve the 2030 Census Design

This video shows you how to be part of the early planning of the 2030 Census to support an accurate count of your community in 2030. This is an opportunity for everyone to be a voice for their community.

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How You Can Provide Feedback

On August 17th, the Census Bureau formally invited the public to share their input and ideas for an improved 2030 Census

You can share ideas with us two ways:

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Your comments and recommendations are key for planning and designing the next census. We will use this input to inform our decisions on the 2030 Census operational design. Please provide your feedback by November 15, 2022.