
City Of Punta Gorda : Continue To Boil Water Before Consumption

Government and Politics

October 6, 2022

From: City of Punta Gorda

The City of Punta Gorda Utility Residents continue to be under a Boil Water Notice. Our first round of sampling is taking place today. It will be at a minimum three days until the notice could potentially be lifted. 

General Instructions listed below:

Shut off and don’t use water spigots with special filters on the kitchen sink or refrigerator.

- Ice makers using piped water source should be turned off until the boil notice is lifted.
- Utilize alternate water source (bottled, boiled, or disinfected) for the following:
Coffee Machines
Food Preparation
Dental Care/Cleaning
- Hand washing multi-use utensils, glasses, or tableware in the sink by the wash, rinse & sanitized method is OK. To sanitize, pour boiling water over dishes after rinsing or pour water mixed with unscented bleach (1 &1/2 teaspoon to the gallon) ‘
- Utilizing the dish washer is OK utilizing HOT water rinse
- Showering is OK and recommended over bathing, but avoid consuming any water

Special Commercial Food Preparation Instructions listed below:

Water served to customers must be boiled/bottled/or disinfected. Plan to have or make at least one (1) gallon per seat per day.

- Shut off water drink stations, water fountains, and beverage fountains that use tap water to mix with soda syrup or other beverages.
- Water vending machines should be shut off, their filters and UV are not capable of overcoming a heavy influx of pathogens.
- Machine washing multi-use utensils with hot water rinse or chemical disinfectant rinse is OK.Make sure temperatures and disinfectant dose meet code.
- Plastic gloves for employees are best, however hand watering with antibacterial soap is OK.
- For food that will be sold uncooked, and the consumer will cook it (example: raw meets), you should use only boiled/bottled/disinfected water in the processing.

For additional information, please call the City of Punta Gorda Utility Department at 941-575-3339 or 941-575-5088. Business hours are Monday thru Friday between the hours of 8:00 A.M. – 4:30 P.M.

On behalf of the City of Punta Gorda Utility Department we apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your cooperation. 

The City of Punta Gorda Utility Department works around the clock to provide the best service and quality possible.  We ask that all of our customers help us to protect our water sources, which are the heart of our community, our way of life, and our children’s future.

Thank you.