
City of Punta Gorda : Proper Separation of Debris

Government and Politics

October 18, 2022

From: City of Punta Gorda

Debris Collection Public Service Announcement

Some vegetative debris piles may be skipped on a street based on how full the truck is or where the piles are located in relationship to cul-de-sacs, wires, poles, etc.  These piles will be picked up on a later date by a smaller truck.  There will be two complete passes through the city to pick up vegetative debris.  We are still completing the first pass.

Please have all storm related debris moved to the right-of-way and separated per the included graphic.  No storm debris (vegetative or construction/demolition) shall be placed in plastic bags.  The debris has to be identifiable in order to be collected.  If you have placed vegetative or construction/demolition debris in bags or containers the materials must be dumped in separate piles in order to be picked up.  Please utilize larger piles in the area to place this bagged debris on as the large machinery being used is unable to pick up small piles.

Typical household trash shall be placed in your normal trash containers for collection by the City.  If household trash is placed in bags we ask that these bags be clear so that we may easily identify what is in those bags.  If construction/demolition materials or vegetative debris  are placed in household trash containers or clear plastic bags they will not be picked up by the City or the debris hauler.  Plastic bags shall not be used for any material other than described for household garbage.