
Connecticut Republicans Call On Governor Lamont To Keep His Word And Veto Taxpayer Dollars To Pay Striking Workers' Bill

Government and Politics

May 22, 2024

MIDDLETOWN - House Bill 5431, poorly named An Act Establishing a Connecticut Families and Workers Account, now released as PA 24-131, has been sent to Governor Ned Lamont’s desk for his signature. Will it be a veto signature, as he promised, or will it be a signature signing the bill into law?

“Governor Lamont, at his post-legislative session, clearly stated that he does not support this bill. He described it as ‘too cute by half’ and said if the legislature wants to create a fund for striking workers, it should do so with a true vote on the issue,” said Connecticut Republican Party Chair Ben Proto.

“Governor Lamont now has the opportunity to save taxpayers millions of dollars by simply vetoing this badly drafted bill which will hurt our economy, not provide any relief to struggling families, and will make Connecticut even more unfriendly to businesses,” continued Proto.

“The Governor will have fifteen days from the time it is sent to him to act on his promise, keep his word to the people of Connecticut, and veto this legislation. Don’t keep us in suspense, Governor; sign your name to the veto message the moment it arrives on your desk – the people of Connecticut deserve nothing less than you keeping your word,” concluded Proto.