
Fact Check: David Mccormick’s Real Record On The Border

Government and Politics

May 20, 2024

McCormick Opposed Bipartisan Bill to Secure the Border and Combat Illegal Fentanyl Trafficking

PENNSYLVANIA – While David McCormick tries to score political points at the border, his real record makes clear that he has no interest in working together to strengthen border security and crack down on the flow of fentanyl into our country. McCormick opposes the bipartisan border deal – which was backed by border control agents – to secure the border and fight fentanyl trafficking.

Here’s What to Know About McCormick’s Real Record on the Border:

  • McCormick publicly opposed historic bipartisan legislation to secure the border and combat illegal fentanyl trafficking – which was supported by border patrol. 
  • McCormick refused to support legislation that would help curtail fentanyl trafficking. 
    • He refused to say that he would support the Ukraine and Israel aid package, which included the FEND Off Fentanyl Act, legislation co-sponsored by Senator Casey which passed into law in April and will sanction Chinese producers of opioid precursors and international crime cartels who bring opioids over the border.