
February Recap and Community Events for March 2024

Arts and Entertainment

March 9, 2024

From: Jane Addams Hull-House Museum

Hull-House Museum Newsletter

February at the Hull-House Museum was all about sharing the love. We invited families and friends into our space to share love with each other and their communities. In this month’s newsletter, we’ll recap our programs, provide some updates, and share some fun community happenings we’re looking forward to in March. But first, some things to keep in mind: 

- Our installation of Contemporary Ex-Votos: Devotion Beyond Medium will be closing March 16th. Stop in to see it before the show moves on and be sure to see the larger part of the exhibition at Gallery 400.

- In preparation for our upcoming gallery activation, we will be closed March 25-27th. Stay tuned to see what’s next.

- We now offer tours on Tuesdays as well as on Friday afternoons. Stop in for a free tour with one of four educators or come and chat with one during their Office Hours, held Wednesdays and Thursdays from 2-4pm. 

Reserve a spot on an Educator-led Public Tour 

Hull-House Visitors

With our partners at Illinois Humanities, we hosted National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Chair Shelley Lowe and NEH Program Officer, Jill Austin, on Valentine’s Day! Lowe, Hull-House Museum staff, and UIC faculty and students gathered in the Residents’ Dining Hall for a conversation that was enlightening and encouraging.  

For Valentine’s Weekend, we invited families in to write letters to their loved ones and to their neighborhoods, and to make bracelets. A few days later, we welcomed friends for our evening event, “Sweet and Sour,” where we made Valentines for friends and enemies alike. Our Educator, Katie Akerboom, gave a talk covering themes of love through Hull-House settlement history.

We celebrated the launch of Mark Larson’s Working in the 21st Century with a talk and panel, moderated by the Hull-House Museum’s Liesl Olson and Ross Jordan. Larson reflected on what has changed in the fifty years since the release of Studs Terkel’s Working in 1974, and invited the book’s interviewees to contribute to the conversation. Thanks to our friends at The Understudy for providing books!

Beyond Hull-House

Check out these awesome opportunities from our community partners:

- Our friends at the National Museum for Mexican Art are hosting a donation drive for recent arrivals. You can learn how to help welcome our newest Chicagoans by visiting the link here. 

- The Smart Museum of Art at the University of Chicago will be hosting a calligraphy workshop during their free Family Day, themed after their opening exhibition Meiji Modern: Fifty Years of New Japan. Find out more here.

- Hull-House Museum staff will be seeing the play Love Song from Remy Bumppo Theatre Company. You can learn more and get tickets here. Say hi if you see us!