
From the Desk of the Select Board - January 2023 Edition

Government and Politics

January 31, 2023

From: Town of Shrewsbury


This monthly newsletter highlights actions of the Board and its meetings to inform residents and employees of Town business.

You can connect with us on Facebook at Town of Shrewsbury and Twitter @ShrewsburyMAGov.

Stay tuned for monthly updates!

Shrewsbury 2030 Strategic Plan Approved!

Mr. Mizikar provided a presentation to the Board and to the Public on the Shrewsbury 2030 Strategic Plan. The presentation can be found in full here.

Mr. Samia noted how the plan was resident centric from the beginning and really shows the value of planning to create alignment across an organization.

Ms. Casavant congratulated Mr. Mizikar as this was part of his vision when he first started. She congratulated the work of Town Staff and the fine tuning of the plan to improve trust and transparency in local government. Additionally, Ms. Casavant asked how the Strategic Plan will impact the budget process. Mr. Mizikar noted that budget requests are tied directly to the Strategic Plan.

The presentation and Board's discussion of the Strategic Plan begin here in the meeting recording.

You can learn more about the Strategic Plan and the planning process at https://shrewsburyma.gov/strategicplan

May 2023 Annual Town Meeting Schedule

Mr. Mizikar recommended that the 2023 Annual Town Meeting be held beginning on Monday, May 15, 2023 and propose the Board holds the following dates for actions relative to the Annual Town Meeting:

  • Tuesday, February 28, 2023: The Select Board set the time and place for the 2023 Annual Town Meeting
  • Tuesday, March 14, 2023: The Select Board reviews the draft Annual Town Meeting Warrant
  • Tuesday, March 21, 2023: Deadline for Citizens Petitions to be received at the Town Clerk’s Office with ten signatures
  • Tuesday, March 28, 2023: The Select Board signs the final Annual Town Meeting Warrant
  • Tuesday, April 25, 2023: The Select Board votes to recommend or not to recommend the Warrant Articles for the Annual Town Meeting

This timeline is subject to change. If the Annual Town Meeting does not conclude in one day, it will continue on either Tuesday, May 16, 2023 or Wednesday, May 17, 2023.

The Finance Committee will hold public hearings on the Annual Town Meeting Warrant on Thursday, April 13, 2023 and Thursday, April 27, 2023 (if necessary). Please advise with any questions or concerns.

January 2023 Highlights

1-7 Maple Avenue LDA Amendment 1

Mr. Mizikar summarized the agenda item and noted that this is an adjustment to the timeline in the Land Disposition Agreement based on the Planning Board proceedings. Mr. Mizikar noted that this is a routine change and added that the only reason the Board needs to act on this and this is public facing is because of the agreement being a public-private agreement.

The Board's discussion of this item begins here in the recording of the meeting.

Tax Title Foreclosure Process for 15 Maple Avenue Begins

Mr. Mizikar summarized the agenda item, noting that the property has been a challenge because of the past due taxes. Mr. Mizikar emphasized that the authority to foreclose on a property is the sole authority of the Tax Collector and the Board is just providing their recommendation on this property.

Mr. DePalo noted that they had thought they would find someone who would be interested in the property, but it fell through so now it is time to begin discussing if the Town should keep or sell that land.

Mr. Mizikar noted that this is a long process and that they have protections under the tax title laws depending on how they proceed with the property, but within the first year the owner can reclaim the property by paying the back taxes. Additionally, with the back log of land court that adds to the timeline too.

The Board unanimously voted to recommend to the Treasurer Collector to begin the Tax Title Foreclosure process for 15 Maple Avenue.

The Board's discussion of this item begins here in the meeting recording.

CATV Franchise Agreement Discussion Begins

The Board met with Christopher Roy, the SELCO General Manager, regarding the Cable Television Franchise Agreement between the Select Board and SELCO.

The last time this occurred was 10 years ago, as that was the contract term at the time. Mr. Roy provided a presentation to the Board, which can be viewed here.

Mr. Roy discussed how cable use has changed over the last decade and how that impacts the agreement that has been presented to the Board.

The presentation and Board's discussion of this item begins here in the meeting recording.

Interested in Becoming a Town Meeting Member?

Are You Interested in Becoming a Town Meeting Member?

Join us on February 8, 2023 at 7:00 PM at the Shrewsbury Senior Center!

The Town is hosting a Forum for those interested in running for Town Meeting Member in Shrewsbury! There will be an overview of Town Government and a Panel Discussion with former and current Town Meeting Members!

Reach out to the Office of the Town Manager at [email protected] or 508-841-8508 with any questions!

Click Here for more information.