
Haunt Park Attraction 2022

Arts and Entertainment

September 15, 2022

From: Haunt Park

Haunt Park is ready to scare West Michigan again for our 19th season. This year we bring you 4 different haunted attractions to choose from.


Psycho Ward:

The state’s most notorious killer, Floyd Cranston, is lurking in The Backwoods surrounding the world’s most brutal psychiatric prison. More than a decade of isolation in Psycho Ward’s Cell Block D, a horror show housing an unimaginable scene of chaos and mayhem, has made Floyd an even more evil and twisted psychotic. Now, Floyd’s clan of twisted misfits, and their victims, are roaming the grounds of Psycho Ward and are eager to welcome anyone who Dares To Enter!!!


The rotting abandoned corpses strewn about Nightmares should have been warning enough, but now you’re on your own in this terrifying world controlled by the undead. Stay alert and watch your back. It’s best to forget about the dawdlers. They weren’t meant to survive anyway. Just say your goodbyes and Save Yourself!!!

The Mansion:

The Mansion is not for the faint of heart.  The dead haunt the hallways and you never know what to expect around each turn of the twisted hallways.

Zombie Revenge:

Zombie Revenge is your chance to put back down the un-dead. Zombies haunt the woods and we have the blasters to take them out. Guests will have 150 rounds to put down the walking dead.

Dates and Times:

October 7-8, 14, 27 and 30-31, 2022: 7:30 p.m - 10:00 p.m.
October 15, 21-22 and 28-29, 2022: 7:30 p.m - 11:00 p.m.
November 5, 2022: 7:30 p.m - 10:00 p.m.


Haunt Park at The Kalamazoo Speedway,
7656 Ravine Road,
Kalamazoo, MI 49009.

Ticket Prices:

$15.00 - Single Attraction
$20.00 - Combo: Psycho Ward & Nightmares (2 Great Attractions—One Low Price!)
$25.00 - Super Combo: Psycho Ward, Nightmares & Zombie Revenge Shoot (3 Great Attractions—One Low Price!
$30.00 - FEARFUL Night Combo: (4 Attractions) Psycho Ward, Nightmares, Zombie Revenge Shoot and The Mansion

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