
Hillcrest Elementary Third-Grade Class Names Landfill Trash Compactor

Schools and Libraries

December 10, 2022

From: City Of Brookings

The trash compactor at the Brookings Regional Landfill has been knighted, thanks to a third-grade class at Hillcrest Elementary School. The compactor has been named Sir Crushalot and now sports a logo bearing the name. 

Teacher Billi Jo Meyer’s third-graders won a recent contest among Hillcrest third-grade classes to name the compactor. To recognize their win, Mayor Oepke “Ope” Niemeyer and Public Works Director John Thompson recently presented Meyer and her third-grade class with a certificate and gift card. Thompson also gave the class a copy of the Sir Crushalot logo that the compactor now proudly wears.

The landfill staff decided to create the contest when the Hillcrest Elementary third-grade classes visited in late October as part of their Government Day field trip. “I would like to thank all three classes for submitting names for our landfill compactor,” Thompson said. “All the submitted names were creative and great!”

The other two submitted names were Smashie, a character in a book within the third-grade reading curriculum; and Brock Lesnar, a professional wrestler and South Dakota native. To decide the winning name, the city’s leadership and landfill operations teams were asked to vote. Sir Crushalot received the most votes.

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