
Hower House Museum : September 2022

Arts and Entertainment

August 22, 2022

From: Hower House

As we reach the year mark since reopening after our Covid closure, I would like to say thank you to all our loyal volunteers who have helped us get back on our feet! And, as the busy fall approaches, I want to encourage everyone to consider helping our wonderful museum in any way you are able. The need is great for monitors during our fall and holiday exhibits. The cellar door boutique has a new look, new items, and could always use an extra hand. Please also consider helping or attending our birthday dinner fundraiser to honor Grace. The funds will continue to aid our honor garden project. We are excited to have new landscaping plans and are about to break grounaon our first installment of those plans, but we need to raise additional funds to continue. And lastly, please plan on attending our end of summer picnic open to all members. It will be our chance to be together, enjoy a nice meal, and hear about all the exciting things planned for Hower House Museum's future! Thank you for your support, and I hope to see you all at the picnic!

Summer is waning and we look ahead to the colorful fall season. 10 regroup ana reassess where we are and where we are headed. It will be so nice to see you all at the volunteer picnic in September, to catch up on what you have been doing and where you may hove traveled over the summer This year's picnic will have delicious food, live music, and lively conversations that doyf See you thoro?

Please come visit our fall exhibit Poe Doyle: Victorian Crime Fiction, quest curoted by our own literary historian. Tine Hreno (September 9 through October 21) ana our colleague. Of. Jennifer Bazar ol the CCHP (Cummlrigs Center for the History ol Psychology). The invention of the fictional "brilliant detective" in the 19th century remains popular to this day. The exhibit will discuss the authors and how they came to introduce the characters that we love to anoly/e and emulate, along with the psychology of why this genre of writing is still in demand. It will be interesting and tua along with our Sinfstor soiree fundraiser event in mid-October.

As we ease into fall, we are sketching out plans tor 2023. Following the holiday season, we hope to launch into preparations for the new AC/oir handler units There will be major disruption to our house interiors while work is done on ail levels of the HHM how complicated the old cooling system is and the ingenuity it took to hide it ad away! we will keep you posted on our progress along with how volunteers might help us prepare the collection pieces in advance oT such a major pto]ect.

In the meantime, you will note that we are moving ahead with our room-by-phoio documentation of furnishings, artwork, rugs, etc if you notice some objects have been

and object repairs will be completed while we are closed for capital improvements early next

Thank you for your ongoing interest in and support of the Mower House Museum. We cannot do what we do, without each of you!

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