
ICYMI: Governor Shapiro Visits Huntingdon and York Counties, Touts Proposed Investments in Manufacturing and Agriculture

Government and Politics

April 24, 2023

From: Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro

HARRISBURG, PA – Last week, Governor Shapiro traveled to Cabinetworks in Huntingdon County and Flinchbaugh’s Orchard & Farm Market in York County to tout his budget’s proposed investments in manufacturing and agriculture. Creating real opportunity for rural Pennsylvania counties is a top priority for Governor Shapiro and his budget invests in economic development for businesses and communities while helping to make Pennsylvania a national leader in organic agriculture.

Governor Shapiro and Acting DCED Secretary Siger toured Cabinetworks in Mt. Union to highlight the company’s $23 million expansion in Huntingdon County that will create 327 new manufacturing jobs. The Governor’s budget proposal includes a $12 million increase for the Pennsylvania First program – which helped fund Cabinetworks’ expansion – to ensure funding opportunities for more expansion projects continue to spur economic development for rural Pennsylvania.

Governor Shapiro and Acting Secretary of Agriculture Redding also toured Flinchbaugh’s Orchard & Farm Market in York County to highlight the Governor’s proposed $1 million investment for the creation of a new Organic Center of Excellence to build on Pennsylvania’s history of organic leadership.

Governor Shapiro’s budget prioritizes increased funding to attract and retain businesses like Cabinetworks in Pennsylvania and invests in Pennsylvania’s critical agriculture sector to make Pennsylvania the top organic farming state in the nation.

Read what Pennsylvanians are saying about Governor Shapiro’s actions to spur economic growth in rural Pennsylvania.

    York County Economic Alliance President & CEO Kevin Schreiber: “This paints a portrait of the importance of our rural economy here in York County, and hopefully it provides additional context as to why Governor Shapiro’s budget is important for rural Pennsylvania. It’s also important to note – and the Governor was actually talking about this during the tour –that what is good for rural Pennsylvania is good for urban Pennsylvania. Financing farms, providing access to capital resources, and investing in broadband infrastructure to connect communities are all proposed in this budget and are vital to our Commonwealth’s competitiveness.”

    Co-owner of Flinchbaugh’s Orchard & Farm Market Mike Flinchbaugh: “Thank you, Governor Shapiro, for giving us an opportunity to meet with you, talk about what the agriculture industry needs, and sharing with us how the items in your budget will support agriculture and give us what we need in terms of resources to move forward in Pennsylvania.”

    Vice President of Manufacturing at Cabinetworks Group Chad Miller: “This facility is a huge transitional effort for us, supporting the growth of Cabinetworks Group, and we’re going to do some very exciting things here in Mount Union. It’s all about the support we’ve gotten at every level of government and at every level of community. I couldn’t be happier with where we are eight months into the project, and days like today make us very confident that for the next few years, we’re really going to grow and succeed.”