
Jane Addams Hull-House Museum - Celebrating Alice Kellogg Tyler for Jane Addams Day

Arts and Entertainment

December 9, 2022

From: Jane Addams Hull-House Museum

Celebrating Alice Kellogg Tyler for Jane Addams Day
From the Desk of Jane Addams:
“The Choicest Spirit of Western Art” Alice Kellogg Tyler of Hull-House

Our newest blog article highlights the life and work of Alice Kellogg Tyler (1862-1900), a Chicago-born artist and arts educator. A celebrated figure in the American art world, she had works exhibited by the Society of American Artists, in the Paris Salons, and at both the 1889 and 1893 World’s Fairs in Paris and Chicago.

She was also the first Chicago artist to begin working with Hull-House, both by exhibiting her artwork at the Settlement, mainly in the Butler Art Gallery, and by holding art classes and presenting lectures. Several of her pieces are on display here at JAHHM, including her renowned painting The Mother, which was displayed in the Palace of Fine Arts during the 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition.