
Jane Addams Hull-House Museum - 'City of Stories': CPL and JAHHM

Arts and Entertainment

June 16, 2022

From: Jane Addams Hull-House Museum

“Neighborhood social centers will do much to reveal one neighbor to another.... There is a vast amount of experience and knowledge floating about and it is the drawing out of this that is brought about in these gatherings, brought for mutual benefit.” — Jane Addams, 1902

Jane Addams Hull-House Museum and Chicago Public Libraries are partnering for “City of Stories” a CPL Summer Learning Initiative. This partnership will allow CPL and JAHHM to share information, activities, and programs with library staff across eighty branches and tens-of-thousands of library visitors throughout Chicago’s neighborhoods.

JAHHM is enhancing CPL's free drop-in programs with activities grounded in the social reform history and storytelling activities of Hull-House, including bookbinding, zine making, art making, improvisation, and theater arts. The activities reveal collective and neighborhood stories and help everyone—children, teens, and adults—share their voice. Elements of “City of Stories” include professional development workshops led by Chicago-based artists Regin Igloria and Aram Han Sifuentes, and improviser Mo Phillips-Spotts; programs led by librarians, JAHHM educational resources and materials, books recently awarded the Jane Addams Peace Association Book Award, and other books based on the theme “City of Stories.” Jane Addams herself believed everyone had a story to tell and public institutions could harness those voices for the common good.

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