
Jane Addams Hull-House Museum - Happy 162nd Birthday Jane Addams

Arts and Entertainment

September 7, 2022

From: Jane Addams Hull-House Museum

This year marks Jane Addams’ 162nd birthday. Born September 6, 1860, in Cedarville, Illinois, she went on to become one of the fiercest advocates for immigrants, women, and peace among nations. Her defense of democratic ideals made her well known as a champion for justice and the first American woman to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1931.

Jane Addams along with Ellen Gates Starr founded the world famous social settlement Hull-House on Chicago's Near West Side in 1889. From Hull-House, where she lived and worked until her death in 1935, Jane Addams built her reputation as the country's most prominent woman through her writing, settlement work, and international efforts for peace. To learn more about her life and work visit our about Jane Addams page or make a reservation to visit the museum.

Read: About Jane Addams and Hull-House

The Benedict Gallery

We’re kicking off the fall season by celebrating the life and work of Hull-House Art Educator Enella Benedict (1858-1942) with the new exhibition: The Benedict Gallery: Revisiting Hull-House's Arts Educators. Drawn from the museum’s collection, this exhibition explores paintings and watercolors by Enella Benedict that have not been publicly exhibited since 1938. The exhibition is a part of the museum's ongoing exploration of the arts educators at Hull-House and opens to the public on September 6th, 2022.

Visit: The Benedict Gallery

Enella Benedict was an artist, arts educator, and founder and long-time director of the Hull-House Art School. She was also the longest serving Resident of the Hull-House Settlement after Jane Addams, living and working there for nearly 50 years. Her work was intrinsic to the growth of Hull-House as an arts institution and laid the foundations for Hull-House's most important artists-in-residence. For more information about Enella Benedict, check out our most recent blog post on our blog From the Desk of Jane Addams.

Read: From the Desk of Jane Addams