
Jane Addams Hull-House Museum News - August 3, 2023

Arts and Entertainment

August 7, 2023

From: Jane Addams Hull-House Museum

Jesús Torres celebration!

Among many programs at Hull-House this summer, we celebrated the life and legacy of Chicago artist Jesús Torres (1898-1949). Events took place at Graceland Cemetery, where Torres is buried, and at the Hull-House Residents’ Dining Hall, where Zac Bleicher spoke about Torres’s collaboration with artist Edgar Miller, and Moises Salazar Tlatenchi discussed their artistic practice, and led participants in a creative workshop with clay. The results were stunning!

See more images here!

New Acquisitions to the Museum

We are pleased to announce the acquisition of three new paintings to the museum’s collection!  These beautiful works of art have strong ties to the history of Hull-House. We are excited to install these works at the museum and amplify the stories we tell about the artists and immigrants who found a home at Hull-House. We are deeply grateful to Christine Schwartz for these gifts from her collection. Learn more about the Christine Schwartz collection here.

Stay posted…

Mark your calendars for Tuesday, September 26th, 6-7:30 pm, for a lively conversation between Jonathan Eig, author of the new biography of Martin Luther King Jr. and Rachel Shteir, author of the first comprehensive biography of Betty Friedan in twenty years. Esteemed UIC Professor Barbara Ransby will moderate this conversation about these two major figures and social reform in America. Registration coming soon!

Stay posted for our full line-up of fall public programs, including workshops, events for students, and the mysteriously titled “Jane Addams Bedroom Project.” And if you haven’t been to the museum in a while, you might check out one of our free Friday public tours! Reserve a spot here.