
KCDC Legislative Update - Hearings on HB 2250 and HB 2253

Government and Politics

February 8, 2023

From: Kansas Governor Laura Kelly

The House Committee on Commerce, Labor and Economic Development will be hearing HB 2250, the Supported Decision-Making bill, and HB 2253, the Disability Hiring Preference bill on Thursday, February 9th at 1:30 pm in Room 346-S in the State Capitol building. I've attached both bills below for your information.  

If these issues are important to you, you can contact Cindy Harris, committee assistant at 785-296-7685 to register to testify in person, virtually or in writing. She will tell you the things you need to know and you can ask any questions about the testimony and procedure in the committee room. I've attached the committee rules about testifying below so you'll know what the deadline is for submitting testimony and the other rules required by the chair.  If you have questions, please direct them to Cindy at the above telephone number. 

If you have questions about supported decision-making, please reach out to the Kansas Council on Developmental Disabilities (KCDD) at 877-431-4604 or email Sara Weir at [email protected] or Craig Knutson at [email protected].  

If you have questions about the Disability Hiring Preference you can contact Rocky Nichols at [email protected] or 785-273-9661 or you can contact me at [email protected] or 785-296-6525.  


Please accept my apologies for writing that there will be a hearing on HB 2250, the Supported Decision Making bill on Thursday, February 9th. Chair Tarwater announced it at the end the meeting on Feb 6th, but the calendar does not have a hearing on HB 2250 on Thursday. HB 2253, the Disability Preference Bill has a hearing on Thursday.  

Please accept my apologies. I will be watching the committee calendar should anything change about either bill.  

Martha K. Gabehart | Executive Director
Kansas Commission on Disability Concerns (KCDC)
Kansas Governor Laura Kelly
900 SW Jackson, Suite 100 | Topeka, Kansas 66612
(785) 296-6525 (direct) | (785) 260-4027 (cell)

[email protected]  | www.kcdcinfo.ks.gov

2023 house commercelaborandeconomicdevelopmentconfereerules.pdf

Supported Decision Making hb2250_00_0000.pdf

Disability Hiring Preference hb2253_00_0000.pdf