
Kentucky Republicans: Tax Cuts for Gold, Not for Diapers

Government and Politics

March 28, 2024

Frankfort, Ky -- On March 28th, KDP released the following statement on Kentucky Republicans’ decision to include a gold/bullion sales tax exemption in HB8, but leave out a diaper sales tax exemption championed by Senator Cassie Chambers Armstrong.

“Republicans in the Kentucky General Assembly just showed us who and what they care about. They removed a sales tax exemption for diapers from the budget, and added a sales tax exemption for gold,” said KDP Executive Director Morgan Eaves. “It is clear that the Kentucky GOP cares more about helping rich people make money than helping working families get by.”

“I wrote this bill because I talk to moms and families all the time who tell me what a big chunk of the family budget diapers are,” said Senator Cassie Chambers Armstrong, the primary sponsor of the diaper tax cut. “I have two kids and I know how quickly the cost of diapers adds up. I fought for this measure because it would have given Kentucky parents more breathing room. It’s a shame the majority chose to cut taxes on gold instead.”

According to the National Diaper Bank Network, 1 in 2 households with young children struggle to afford the diapers necessary to keep their children clean and healthy. Almost half of all households have reported that they have had to cut back on other spending to be able to afford diapers.