
Kidzu Childrens Museum E-News: December 19- December 25, 2022

Arts and Entertainment

December 20, 2022

From: Kidzu Childrens Museum

The Questioneers Traveling Exhibit

Open now until January 8th | See Hours & Pricing

The Questioneers book series, written by Andrea Beaty and illustrated by David Roberts, celebrates Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math. Alongside the inquisitive characters, every budding architect, engineer, scientist, mathematician, leader, and artist will find inspiration to solve everyday mysteries and to think more critically about their world.


Gingerbread House Decorating Workshop

Thursday, December 22nd @ 5:30 PM – 7 PM

Design your own winter wonderland at our Gingerbread House Decorating Workshop! We’ll have all the materials (and sweets!) you’ll need to decorate the perfect gingerbread house for the holidays. Hot cocoa bar included! All ages welcome! Drop-off available for ages 6+


Sensory-Friendly Night

Wednesday, December 21st | 5:30 PM - 7 PM

Join the Town of Chapel Hill and Kidzu for this FREE monthly program specifically for children with different needs. Explore Kidzu without the noise, crowds, and stimulation of the typical museum visit. We limit the number of families who can attend and provide adaptive equipment such as noise-reducing headphones, sand timers, fidget toys, and visual schedules. Siblings and other family members are encouraged to attend.


Fridays with Santa

December 23rd | 10 AM - 12 PM

Get your cameras ready! Santa is coming to Kidzu! He's made time in his busy schedule to be here with the Kidzu Crew and he wants to see you! Get your photo with Santa for just $10.00 minimum donation per child. Donations accepted upon arrival.


January - April | 10 AM - 12 PM

Don't let those teacher work days sneak up on you! We’ve got you covered! Campers play and explore in Kidzu’s exhibits, tinker in our Makery, and engage in STEAM-based projects together.