
League of Women Voters of Seminole County Newsletter - April 2023

Clubs and Organizations

April 4, 2023

From: League of Women Voters of Seminole County

April is Earth Month:

Here are ways we all can help the planet!

Support Pollinators -  Bees, butterflies and birds by planting gardens to help them survive

Clean Up Plastic - Remove plastic litter from your neighborhood or local park

 • Assess Household Products - Remove harmful chemicals from the environment

Plant a Tree - Arbor Day is April 28th. Trees capture carbon and keep us cool with shade

Use Native Plants - These plants thrive in our environment with less water 

Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle - Be mindful of packaging and consumption 

Conserve Water - Turn off your sprinklers during rainy season. Don’t waste water, it’s precious.

Click Here to view the League of Women Voters of Seminole County Newsletter - April 2023