
League Of Women Voters Of Seminole County Newsletter - June 2023

Clubs and Organizations

June 2, 2023

From: League of Women Voters of Seminole County

President's Message

Dear League Members,

It has been a pleasure for me to serve as your President for the past two years.   To the officers, Board of Directors, Committee Chairs and members, your dedication and involvement has been a testimony to your commitment to “Defending Democracy.”

Whether you were a member of the Education Committee, Gun Safety Committee, Women’s Issues, Legislative, Voter Registration, Voter Services, Natural Resources, Transportation, Communication or any other committee, thank you for your commitment and dedication.  A job well done as the League’s work is an unpaid job, involving time and dedication.  

As we continue the work, please know that it does get easier.  I encourage those who are involved, to continue the work. Much success for those who are stepping into leadership roles!

League of Women Voters of Florida 2023 Convention

The League of Women Voters of Florida’s 2023 Convention is scheduled for June 2-4 in Orlando, Florida.  The theme for this year’s Convention is “Speak with One Voice and Make it Heard.”

Convention information can be found here: https://lwvfl.org/lwvfl-state-convention-2023/

Our Annual Meeting will be held on June 11, 2023 at the St. Stephen Lutheran Church at 2140 SR 434 in Longwood (next to Burger King). Amy Lockhart, Chair of the Seminole County Board of County Commissioners. She will be addressing the State of the County.

We will be transacting business as required in our bylaws and connecting and re-connecting with one another.  REGISTER today to attend this meeting! 

As required in our bylaws, this notification includes links to documents for your review and study to be distributed at least 30 days prior to the Annual Meeting. You must be logged into the system as a member in order to access the documents.  If you don't remember your password you can click on 'Forgot My Username/Password' and you will be sent a link to reset it.

- 2022 Approved Annual Meeting Minutes (For your information; already approved by the Board)

- 2023-2024 Proposed Budget

- 2023-2024 Local Program

- Proposed Amendment to LWVSC Bylaws

- Board of Directors Nominating Committee Slate

Please open, save and/or print, and study each document so you will be prepared. Thank you for your careful attention, document review, and attendance. Looking forward to welcoming you all on Sunday, June 11, 2023.

Seminole League Seeks Donations for SafeHouse Seminole

Bring Items to the Annual Meeting

SafeHouse Seminole Spring Wish List

LWV Seminole County is participating in a drive for much needed supplies and donations for SafeHouse Seminole. The needs are varied - from diapers and pullups to hygiene and cleaning products.

Click here to see the entire donation page including wish list items and other ways to donate.


Our drive will focus on kids products and personal hygiene items (see below). Items may be brought with you to our Annual Meeting on June 11th. For more information contact Mary Ann Feldheim [email protected]

Kids List

- Diapers and Pull Ups sizes, 3T, 4T, 5T and 6T
- Formula
- Wipes
- Juice boxes
- Breakfast Bars (like nutria-grain bars) – the kids can’t get enough of these!
- Snack packs for afterschool

Hygiene List:

- Full Size Shampoo and Conditioner  (for all ethnic groups)
- Body Wash
- Body Lotion
- Hair Brushes
- Toothbrushes and Toothpaste for adults and children

The statewide goal is approximately 900,000 valid petitions. To ensure that many verified petitions, many more must be collected.   Download and print petitions from the Floridians Protecting Freedom website.  https://floridiansprotectingfreedom.com

Each one of us needs to collect and submit ten signed petitions (the address is printed on the petition itself) to have a good chance of meeting the required number, exorbitant though it is. Petitions may be mailed to dropped off at a hub. Hub locations can be found on the Floridians Protecting Freedom website.

When collecting petitions, PLEASE be sure they are completed accurately. People often forget to fill in the current date, leave off their birthdate, and other mistakes. We are PROHIBITED from adding or changing ANY data on the petitions. Petitions with problems, unfortunately, will NOT be counted toward the final total. 

Anyone can sign as long as they are a registered Florida voter.

Suicide Awareness Symposium

The Suicide Awareness Symposium was held on Thursday, May 11th with moderator Cathy Swerdlow and participation by Tara Sullivan Larsen of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP), Megan Weeks of the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), Gina Duncan of Equality Florida and Sgt. Dwayne Harris of the SCSO Behavioral Unit. It was an empowering presentation!

Highlights of the discussion included:

- Do not be afraid to ask about suicide ideation – asking will not cause someone to decide to take their life. Being direct, asking if someone is thinking about suicide can be the most helpful thing you can do to start the process of providing help and support.
- Be careful in the use of language – avoid using words like ‘commit suicide’ as if it is like committing a robbery. We don’t commit cancer or commit diabetes.
- Reach out to community organizations such as AFSP and NAMI or utilize the 988 Suicide Prevention number – there is help available.
- LGBTQ teens are in crisis – the suicide rate for teens is already the 2nd cause of death for teens, but LGBTQ youth are three times as likely to attempt suicide than their heterosexual peers.
- Do not be afraid to reach out to law enforcement – The Behavioral Unit has many resources and can work with a family to de-escalate situations. You can call and begin talking with these officers if you are concerned, even before there is a need for 911.
- Advocate, educate and VOTE! – it cannot be said enough. If we want to see policy change, we need to make our voices heard, build alliances, and support one another.

To reach out to any of these organizations:

- AFSP https://afsp.org/Participant – Tara Sullivan Larsen [email protected]

- NAMI https://www.nami.org/HomeParticipant – Megan Weeks [email protected]

- Equality Floridahttps://www.eqfl.org/Participant – Gina Duncan [email protected]

- SCSO Behavioral Unit https://www.seminolesheriff.org/Participant – C. Dwayne Harris [email protected]

Legislative Session Update

Our May Hot Topic was on the 2023 Legislative Session focusing on legislation that impacts women, children, education, immigrants, and public safety. 

Spearheading our discussion were Sadaf Knight, CEO of Florida Policy Institute and Jennifer Adams,  LWVFL Advocacy Chair. 

 Florida Policy Institute Presentation

LWVFL Advocacy Chair Presentation

The League of Women Voters of Florida has endorsed the Right to Clean and Healthy Waters petition and we will be gathering petitions in Seminole County.  We only have until November 2023 to gather the mandatory minimum number of petitions (891,589) across the state.

Sign the petition today!

Help Wanted 

Help wanted:   We need volunteers to find League speaking engagements with organizations that meet monthly or less regularly.  These may be civic organizations (Rotary, Kiwanis et al), HOAs, church groups, ALFs, special interest clubs or any group.   We have trained speakers ready to present via Zoom and in-person on a number of topics, from general interest (for example, Florida State GovernmentSeminole County Government, Your Vote is Your Voice and more); and current issues, such as Education and National Popular Vote

Contact  [email protected] for more information.

Seminole County Charter Review

The Charter Review Committee has been meeting every two weeks and is nearing completion of its study of the Seminole County Charter. Final recommendations will soon be submitted to the League Board for approval. Some of the issues that will be considered include: nonpartisan election of the County Commission; an independent redistricting commission; strengthening requirements for changes to the rural boundary; establishing minimum environmental standards; and preservation of County owned parks and conservation areas. Still under discussion are additional ethics provisions.

As part of its study, the Committee reviewed the Local Government Yardstick that was adopted by our League in 1989. The Yardstick is used to measure the effectiveness of county government and will be used by the League Board as it determines actions to take during the upcoming Charter Review conducted by the Charter Review Commission.

Yardstick For Measuring Local Government

The League of Women Voters recommends that the Seminole County Commission publish an agreed upon set of belief statements – a set of common values from which it operates. A mission statement should establish goals and values for the future of Seminole County, to be used when making decisions, be reviewed periodically, and widely communicated to all parties. These goals and values should:

- Provide for distinct separation of legislative and executive powers.

County Commission authority clearly defines as legislative only.
All executive and administrative powers be vested in, and exercised by, the county executive.

- Provide that sufficient flexibility is available to accomplish goals in an equitable and cost- effective way.

Establish policies and procedures that allow for coordination among agencies and levels of government.
Be cost effective by avoiding duplication and using the best purchasing techniques.

- Provide for fair and equitable representation.

- Provide for adequate financing and responsible budgeting.

- Provide the electorate with clearly stated referendum, initiative, and recall techniques.

- Provide for a Charter Review Commission that shall conduct a regular study of all aspects of government in Seminole County and, from time to time, propose amendments to the Charter directly. The County Commission shall, by resolution, place such amendments on the general election ballot.

- Provide that all amendments to the Charter be accomplished by a majority vote of the electorate.

- Provide communications in a way that is effective and readily understandable by the electorate.
Be open, accessible, and responsive to the entire electorate.
Maintain and use well-defined channels for timely citizen input.
Take legislative action in a deliberative fashion with advertised public hearings when appropriate and limitation of consideration of off-agenda items.

- Provide a self-defined mechanism for evaluation of programs, policies, and procedures outlined in the Administrative Code.
Obtain and retain competent personnel.
Maintain clear lines of responsibility and well-defined positions at all levels.
Be effective in producing results and carrying out adopted policies.

- Provide that powers of the executive, whether elected or appointed, be delineated and strengthened to ensure accountability and leadership.

Article written by Marilyn Crotty, Charter Review Task Force Chair

Adopted by the League of Women Voters of Seminole County, November 1989.


Request your Mail Ballot

Due to Florida's Senate Bill 90 (2021), all registered Florida voters who want to vote by mail in 2023-2024 must submit a NEW vote-by-mail ballot request to their county Supervisor of Elections!

Municipal Elections are fast approaching in many parts of the state, and the deadline to request a ballot be mailed to you is 10 days before a local municipal election date.

Click Here for the Seminole County Supervisor of Election Page


LWVSC Name Badges

Would you like to have a name badge for when you attend LWV events? Or would you like to have one with the new LWV logo on it? If you are a board member, you can request the badge with your position on it, such as Voter Registration Chair or Secretary. Otherwise, it will have your name along with the current LWV logo on it.

The cost for a badge is $10.00. If you are interested, please let Lynn Fenster know by emailing her at [email protected] or telling her at an upcoming Hot Topic.

LWV Seminole Home Page

Click Here for more information