
League of Women Voters of Seminole County Newsletter - September 2022

Clubs and Organizations

September 2, 2022

From: League of Women Voters of Seminole County

September is Suicide Awareness Month 

Suicide, or thoughts of suicide, have increased greatly in the last three years--especially among young women. Statistics show that more young women than men attempt suicide, but more young men are successful in accomplishing it. Thoughts of suicide are especially prevalent among high school students. 

988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline  

A new emergency number has been launched for those in crisis or for friends and loved ones of people they think are experiencing suicidal thoughts. The number to call or text is 988. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) website has resources and information designed to help states, territories, tribes, mental health and substance use disorder professionals, and others looking for information on understanding the background, history, funding opportunities, and implementation resources for strengthening suicide prevention and mental health crisis services.

Here Is The Link.     

President's Message 

Dear Fellow League Members,

With the primaries behind us, it is now time to gear ourselves up for the midterm elections.  As we all know, elections effect every area of our lives, from health care, to women’s rights, to voting rights.    A statement on the National LWV website implies that when we choose our leaders by voting, we’re choosing the people who will make decisions that shape the direction of our country and our communities.  Whether it’s a presidential election, a congressional election,  a state election or local election, as League members, we must be informed voters. 

How can you become more informed?  Get involved, volunteer with our League.  You can become an informed voter through active participation on one of our committees, by attending a Hot Topic event or a forum. We ask that you assist us as we strive to make our “Democracy Work!” 

This fall we will be hosting candidate forums for the key races in our county as well as informational presentations on the proposed Amendments to the Florida Constitution.  As citizens your best resource, providing specific information on the races in your district, is Vote411.org Link 

Please take a moment to explore your voter guide on our website to become an informed voter and tell others how to navigate our website to help ensure that our “Democracy Works.”

Geraldine D. Wright, EdD

President LWV Seminole

Upcoming Events

Hot Topic Event

Defending Civil Rights in Our New Reality

Jerry Edwards, Staff Attorney

 American Civil Liberties Union of Florida 

 This presentation will address changes in strategies to utilize the courts to protect our civil rights in the future. It will conclude with a discussion of how organizations dedicated to protecting civil rights might go forward in our new reality. 

September 22, 2022

11:30am – 1pm

Bonefish Grill - SR 434 in Longwood

Cost: $30 with choice of entrée

Pay in advance or at the door

RSVP Link Below

Details And Registration Here

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