
Library Planning Survey and Book Sale

Schools and Libraries

September 22, 2022

From: Emily Williston Memorial Library

The Emily Williston Memorial Library is deep into a Strategic Planning process, and as we imagine our next few years, it's important that we hear from you. No matter how you use (or don't use) the Library, please take a few minutes to fill out our Community Feedback Survey. Don't forget to copy and paste the link at the end to enter to win a $100 Easthampton Chamber gift card.
If you'd prefer to put your thoughts on paper, come on over to the library.

Emily's Friends of the Library would like to announce the triumphant return of the Library Book Sale, which will take place on the Library lawn on Saturday, October 15, from 9am-1pm. The Library is accepting donations for the sale through Saturday, October 1st. Please bring donations of books in good condition (fiction, mystery, self help, biography, history, art, cooking, do-it-yourself, children, etc.), CDs, DVDs, and audiobooks to the Library during business hours for staff to evaluate. Please DO NOT put donations outside the building or into the book drop. We cannot accept donations of textbooks, encyclopedias, cassette tapes, LPs, puzzles, games, or toys. We also cannot accept musty, moldy, or damp items. See you at the sale!