
Lyman Allyn Art Museum Receives State Grant For New Urban Art Park

Arts and Entertainment

September 28, 2023

From: Lyman Allyn Art Museum

The Lyman Allyn Art Museum today announced that it has been awarded a substantial grant from Connecticut's Community Investment Fund (CIF) to bring to life an exciting new project—a vibrant urban art park that promises to become a cultural gem in the heart of New London. Leadership from the museum thanked the CIF Board and the Office of Governor Ned Lamont for the generous grant and for recognizing the museum for the gem that it is and the future that it promises for people throughout the region.

The grant, totaling $1.1 million, will be instrumental in transforming the grassy campus of the museum into an engaging, dynamic, and accessible community space that will be available for community gatherings, free musical and theatrical performances, educational programs, interfaith services, recreation, free Wi-Fi, and more.

"We are absolutely thrilled to receive this grant,” said Museum Director Sam Quigley. “These funds will be instrumental in realizing our vision of making the Lyman Allyn Art Museum a world-class cultural institution that inspires and engages the entire community in new and meaningful ways. The Lyman Allyn Park will not only enrich the cultural landscape of New London but also provide a safe and inspiring space for people of all ages to connect with the

Lyman Allyn trustee Lonnie Braxton said, "This is fantastic news for all of our community. It means more cultural opportunities for our children, more vibrant public spaces, and a stronger sense of pride in our city's rich multicultural history and arts scene."

The art park will feature a variety of artistic installations, sculptures, and interactive exhibits that celebrate local talent and diverse cultural influences. It will serve as a gathering place for residents and visitors alike, offering a tranquil oasis for reflection, artistic exploration, and a variety of community events. In addition to seeking state funding, Lyman Allyn is engaged in a robust fundraising campaign to match private resources with potential public support.