
Maine Women's Lobby Legislative Round-Up News: April 3, 2023

Clubs and Organizations

April 5, 2023

From: Maine Women's Policy Center

It was a wild week in Augusta, as the majority part completed a bit of tricky budget wrangling. In short, a 'baseline' budget which maintains government services was passed late Thursday night and signed on Friday, so that there is no chance of a state shut-down when the new fiscal year starts on July 1. The session technically adjourned as a result, but the Governor will recall them into a 'special session' and they will complete there work, along with the rest of the budget and about 2,000 bills.  Our mini-explainer is here, and a longer read is here.

If you're itching to take action, we've got you covered. Join us on Tuesday to phone bank for Paid Family and Medical Leave (we are organizing in key districts - it's fun and easy!); People Power Hours on Wednesday at 3 or 6 (letters to the editor!); and in-person on Thursday in Rockland at Hello Hello Books, discussing Title IX with Sherry Boschert. More info below! 

We were especially happy to join the Permanent Commission on the Status of Maine Women on Friday, supporting expanded membership *and* funding to hire a staff member. You might not be surprised to learn that the Women's Commission has been supported with volunteer unpaid labor for all these years! ? It's time for state government to invest in gender equity with LD 794. 

In solidarity,

Destie, Dania, Catie, and Brook

PS: Save the date for our End of Session Celebration at Broadturn Farm in Scarborough, July 20! If you love to plan a party and want to join our Festivities Committee, email Dania

Weekly Calendar

The weekly House Calendar is here. The weekly Senate Calendar is here

April 3

10:00 - PH bundle on vaccines in schools (see full list here) 

1:00 - PH bundle on gun safety (see full list here) 

April 4

 1:00 - Sexual Assault Work Sessions: LD 566 - WS- An Act to Provide Funding for Sexual Assault Services - Duson and - LD 816 - WS- An Act to Provide Integrated Behavioral Health Services to Sexual Violence Survivors - Stover, and LD 1092, An Act to Expand Services for Women Who Experience Gender-based Trauma and Violence - Stover

1:00 - PH - LD 2 - An Act to Address Maine's Housing Crisis - Talbot Ross

April 5

1:30 - LD 351 - WS - An Act to Increase Access to Birth Control by Making Certain Contraception Available over the Counter - Brakey

2:00 - Income Tax Work Sessions: - LD 667 - An Act to Impose a Tax Surcharge on Certain Incomes - Collings, and LD 843, An Act to Improve Income Tax Progressivity by Establishing a New Top Individual Income Tax Rate - Osher

**Not sure about the difference between a PH (public hearing) and a WS (work session)? Check out our How-To here!

Skills-Builders and Community

People Power Hours - April Session

April 5, 3:30p OR 6:00p / Zoom

This monthly session offers community, connection, and skills building. In April, participants will learn how to write their story and submit a letter to the editor. 

Register here. 

Let's Visit the State House! 

Join us for a casual, no-pressure chance to open up the State House doors and learn the ropes of getting in, out, and around the State House. 

April 24, 5-6pm - VIRTUAL

April 25, 8:30-10am - In Person

April 25, 3:30-5pm - In Person

Registration here. 

Citizen Advocacy Toolkit

Legislative Policy and Feminist Events

Land, Language, and Belonging

April 4, 5-7pm

Join the Permanent Commission on Racial, Indigenous, and Tribal Populations for the fourth event in the Place Justice Event Series, and an extraordinary panel of local poets, scholars, and activists in conversation about language, land, and belonging. Register here.

Phone Bank for PFML

April 4, 5-6pm

Join us for a Zoom/virtual phone bank event - we're calling friendly members, so this is a great first-time phone bank opportunity!  

Register here.

37 Words: Title IX Book Reading & Discussion

April 6, 5:30-7, Hello Hello Books, Rockland

We will join author and journalist Sherry Boschert for a reading and discussion of her recent book 37 Words, a 50-year history of the federal law that prohibits sex discrimination in education. More info here.

2023 Justice for Women Lecture

April 26 / 7:00pm

The Justice For Women Lecture brings a distinguished speaker to Maine annually to contribute to a global conversation about justice for women and girls in the developing world. More info here.

Maine Feminist Events Calendar

What We’re Reading:

This week we enjoyed this piece from The Cut/New York Magazine that includes a section on Michigan and Gov Whitmer's work connecting pro-equality, pro-family, and pro-worker policies: States with anti-abortion and anti-trans laws “are losing talent and investment because bigotry is bad for business.” “Every parent,” Whitmer said, “Republican, Democrat, or independent, wants our kids to stay in Michigan. Let’s give them reasons to stay; let’s … protect fundamental freedoms.” 

The Maine League of Women Voters just published their Guide to Local Government in Maine, a how-to manual for Mainers who are looking to better understand how local governments make decisions and provide services for their communities and how they, as community members, can get involved.

Help Us Fight for What's Right.

Women’s History Month just ended—but when you start a monthly gift, you'll support work ALL YEAR LONG that uplifts, sustains, and helps gender justice work in Maine for the long-term. 

Monthly sustainers are the backbone of our work; just $5, $10, or $20 per month makes a huge difference in our ability to show up for gender equity in the State House. Join us at www.mainewomen.org/donate