
Maine Women's Lobby Legislative Round-Up News : August 8, 2023

Clubs and Organizations

August 9, 2023

From: Maine Women's Policy Center

It's finally August, and the session is over (at last!). And that makes this the last Round-Up of the session - you can follow us on social media, and these weekly missives will return when the session lights up again next winter.

Passing significant public policies is a three-dimensional puzzle: it’s a careful mix of strong policy, collaborative partnerships, managing resources, all simmering in the context of the moment (controversial bills, the Governor’s opinion, and how the majority approaches a budget affect the tone and possibilities of the legislative session). It’s also the work of years, as public opinion changes and grows and we learn from our own gaps and the efforts of other states. This year, the puzzle pieces for some life-changing policies came together: paid family and medical leave, childcare stabilization, and abortion access.

Still, there is work left to do. Key racial and Tribal justice bills were vetoed or didn’t make it out of the Legislature. Bills to ensure pay equity for undervalued women-dominated workforces got strong votes, but failed to get funded. Birthing justice proposals were carried over for a future session. Complex bills related to sex work didn’t reach agreement, leaving partners with mixed feelings.

Our systems were not built to protect us. But with community and commitment, we can use these systems to improve the lives of people in Maine. This year, the policy puzzle will result in some beautiful and transformative changes. Policy really does change lives, and we are so honored to have a part in that process - and honored to work alongside the Legislative champions who voted for these bills.

Find out more about these life-changing policies, and how your legislator voted - in our 2023 Legislative Report Card.

Finally,  consider joining the Maine Women's Lobby today. As a member-fueled organization, we count on your support to make tools like this available to our community.

In solidarity,

Destie, Dania, Catie, and Brook

PS: Please take a minute to fill out our end-of-session survey. Let us know what tools or resources helped you feel connected this session!

The 2023 Legislative Report!

Our legislative agenda aims to build better systems for all Mainers who experience sexism and misogyny in Maine, especially women and girls, trans and nonbinary Mainers, and LGBQ+ Mainers.

This report highlights bills we supported, bills we opposed, some we proudly led, and some where we supported the leadership of our partners and allies. For each bill, we share what it does, why it matters, and where it stands now - and how each Legislator voted.

View the Legislative Report Card

Photos from Celebrations!

We had a beautiful night of gratitude at Purpose, Power, & Peonies last month. Check out the photos here! Thanks for Broadturn Farm and everyone who joined us.

We also celebrated the Paid Leave Coalition and the big win at Moderation Brewing in Brunswick! See those photos here.

WEDNESDAY! Policy Insights Lunch & Learn: PFML Implementation 12:00 - 12:45

Join this online panel with MWL and MECEP to explore what paid leave will mean for workers, the history of efforts to enact paid leave, what it takes to support and pass good public policy, and next steps in rolling out paid leave in Maine.

Register here.

Story Hour Open Mic
Saturday, August 26 / 6:30 - 8p

Caregiving is the theme for the next Story Hour Open Mic at Maine Local Market in Hallowell. Tell your story and listen to others all while supporting our work! 

Register here.

MECEP Policy Insights ith Chris Smalls
Wednesday, 9/20 @ 6 pm

MECEP’s very first Policy Insights Talk will feature Chris Smalls, founder and president of the Amazon Labor Union! Join us to hear from Chris about the importance of worker power, the experience of organizing Amazon, and what can be done at the state level to support labor organizers. Free and open to all! 

Register here.

Maine Feminist Events Calendar

What We're Reading/Watching

It's August, we're tired, and a movie for and by women has smashed expectations at the box office. If you saw Barbie, how'd you like it?

Let’s Talk About ‘Barbie’s White Feminism

"The smooth, doll-like plasticism of its politics flattens struggle into a clean binary of men vs. women. ....here in this world, white women do not weaponize their whiteness against women of color, as they often do in real life."

In a World of Barbies and Kens, What About the Allans? "If Barbies represent cis women and Kens cis men, then these outcasts are everyone in between. Everyone who has access to some rights and not others because they don’t fit neatly into gendered expectations."

‘This Barbie Is a Feminist’: Greta Gerwig’s Barbie Reckons With Her Fraught Legacy

"There is a mutual humanization by the film’s end that moves the Barbies and the Kens away from polarizing stereotypes."

PS - if you like this meme, find lots more fun on our Instagram and TikTok accounts!

MWL Bill Tracker

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