
Maine Women's Lobby Legislative Round-Up News: February 13, 2023

Clubs and Organizations

February 14, 2023

From: Maine Women's Policy Center

Last week was a huge week for Paid Family & Medical Leave - the Commission released their report after 18 months of work, and we rallied with hundreds of coalition partners, legislators, advocates, and friends to make PFML a reality for Maine. You can do your part today and sign our petitionto let legislators and the Governor know it's time to pass and fund a program for the future of Maine's families and our economy. Read more below. 

The big news under the dome this week is that the Governor is delivering the 'State of the Budget' address to the House and Senate on Feb. 14, 7:00. This is a chance for Governor Mills to review each part of her budget proposal. You can watch it in the House gallery, or hear it streaming on Maine Public. 

Speaking of budgets, the Appropriations and Financial Affairs Committee has already begun their hearings on the biennial budget that starts in July. The labor budget hearing was on Friday, and we joined with partners to call for investments in a Paid Family and Medical Leave program. Catch some budget mini-explainers on our TikTok channel

In solidarity,

Destie, Dania, Catie, and Brook

PS - Save the Date! We'll be hosting a legislative reception on March 7, 5:00-7:00pm in honor of Women's History Month at the First Amendment Museum in Augusta. See you there!

Weekly Calendar

The House and Senate will be in session this Tuesday and Thursday at 10:00AM. 

The weekly House Calendar is here. The weekly Senate Calendar is here

Monday February 13

10:00 - LD 4 - PH - An Act to Update Provisions of the Department of Corrections Laws Regarding Operation and Administration of Jails, Women's Services and Juvenile Detention (Plueker)

Tuesday February 14

1:00 - LD 116 - PH - An Act to Establish a Minimum Wage for All Health Care Workers Including All Support Staff (Baldacci) 

2:00 - LD 5 - PH - An Act to Expand Access to Postsecondary Education for Low-income Parents (Meyer)

10:00 - WS - two voting bills will be discussed, LD 26 An Act to Provide Postage Prepaid Return Envelopes to Voters Who Send Absentee Ballots by Mail (Carney) and LD 237 An Act to Require a Registered Voter to Update the Registration (Griffin).

Thursday February 16

1:00 - LD 301 - PH - An Act to Exempt Employers from Providing Earned Paid Leave for Certain Employees (Poirier)

1:00 - LD 80 - PH - An Act to Improve Family Economic Security Under the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Program (Meyer)

* A PH is a Public Hearing. a WS is a Work Session! You can testify at a public hearing. A work session is for legislators to debate and vote. 

Take Action for PFML Today!

Paid Leave is on the move... but what does it all *mean*? The Commission has released their final report, and there are no surprises. In over 250 pages, they detail how they got to a unanimous recommendation to create a paid leave system. 

Next, a bill will be introduced to actually create the system. It will go to the Labor and Housing Committee, probably in March. 

The big sticking point is that there is no money being planned for the start-up costs yet. The best way to fund a big project is in the Governor's budget... but the Governor has not joined the debate yet. 

That's why we need to continue to make noise about the fact that this program is good for every Mainer, and we need your help. 

Let's Visit the State House! 

Have you wondered what it's like to go to the State House? Join us for a casual, no-pressure chance to open up the State House doors and learn the ropes of getting in, out, and around the State House. Mileage reimbursement, snacks, and KN95 masks will be available for in-person visits.

Join us on Monday Feb. 13 at 3pm and Tuesday Feb. 14 at 8:30am – or virtually on Feb. 16 at noon! Sign up here. 

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