
Maine Women's Lobby Legislative Round-Up News - July 10, 2023

Clubs and Organizations

July 10, 2023

From: Maine Women's Policy Center

Friend, we are almost at the finish line. But not quite.

The Legislature wrapped up most of its business on Thursday. LD 1619, expanding access to abortion care, made it through its final vote.  LD 2004 would have ensured that the Wabanaki Tribes can fully participate in federal laws; it was vetoed by the Governor and the House was not able to override it.

"For thousands of years, we have been here. For hundreds of years, we have fought for our survival and identity. And we will continue to do so. Patience and determination are nothing new to us." - Ambassador Maulian Bryant

We stand with the Wabanaki Alliance and its hudrends of member organizations and businesses, and will continue to work for the full sovereignty and self-determination of the Wabanaki Tribes.

The budget was also the big work of the day. Notable notes:

 - The budget made it through all four votes (engrossment and enactment in the House and Senate) and is headed to the Governor to sign. It was a big surprise when most Republicans walked away from the agreement, after getting near-unanimous support in Committee the previous week.

 - The budget included some of the most powerful proposals for gender equity that we can remember: Paid Family and Medical Leave, childcare investments for both workers and families, removing the assett cap for the Medicare Savings Program, dependent tax credits, and a the first staff member for the Permanent Commission on the Status of Women.
 - Still, the budget fell short on a few of our priorites, mostly related to improving compensation for women-dominated workforces, especially teachers, school support staff, and sexual assault advocates.

 - The Appropriations Committee will 'run the table' early this week. That means that everything that has already passed but not yet been funded will have one more chance. There is nearly $40 million left to spend... we are still rooting for two of our priorities: LD 348 would provide period products in schools; and LD 936 would require pay transparency in job postings.

The Legislature is expected to convene one more time for 'Veto Day' (when they try to override any remaining vetos) and to complete the process for items on the Special Appropriations Table.

We're still celebrating Paid Family and Medical Leave: turn this on and dance with us!  

The Maine Paid Leave Coalition and bill sponsors are planning a public celebration (THERE WILL BE CAKE) -

we will let you know details as soon as we know!
You can also celebrate with us at Broadturn Farm on the 20th!

In solidarity,

Destie, Dania, Catie, and Brook

PS - if you're in the Midcoast, join us on July 23 at Lincoln Theater to honor the centennial of the Equal Rights Amendment with a screening of Barbara Cray's documentary, "Votes for Women: A History of Suffrage Through Song."

Coffee Hour with Maine Women's Lobby
Blue Jay Coffee, Lewiston
July 15, 10:00 - 1:00

Join us in Lewiston for feminist fun, updates, and connection (and coffee!).

Documentary: 'Votes for Women: the History of Suffrage Through Song."
Lincoln Theater, Damariscotta
July 23, 2:00 - 4:00 PM

To honor the centennial of the ERA, Lincoln Theater will host a screening local filmmaker Barbara Cray's documentary. A portion of proceeds will go to Girls' Day at the State House. More info here.

Power, Purpose, and Peonies: End of Session Celebration
July 20, 5:30pm

Join us at Broadturn Farm in Scarborough to celebrate the wins and losses of the legislative session, and to honor our annual awardees who are working for gender equity across Maine. More info here.

Maine Feminist Events Calendar

It's not all state-level policy! In one of the biggest gender equity cases this year, the Supreme Court agreed that certain small businesses do not have serve LGBTQ+ community members. Check out Equality Maine's press release, as well as one from the White House.

SCOTUS also overturned affirmative action *for people of color* - it has historically helped white women as well as BIPOC folks. We're pissed. Read: Affirmative Action Has Helped White Women More Than Anyone (Time Magazine).

Channel that rage into local systems change. Read: How State Constitutions and Courts Can Lead on Reproductive Rights and Gender Equality (Ms. Magazine)

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