
Maine Women's Lobby Legislative Round-Up News : June 12, 2023

Clubs and Organizations

June 13, 2023

From: Maine Women's Policy Center

Last week this op-ed appeared in the BDN, featuring research from The Turnaway Study: Ten Years, a Thousand Women, and the Consequences of Having—or Being Denied—an Abortion.  The study followed 1,000 people seeking abortion care over 5 years, and clearly demonstrated the physical, emotional, and economic toll of being forced to give birth. 

On Friday afternoon, the Judiciary Committee passed LD 1619 on a party line vote, and it will head to the House this week. The bill moves the timeline for accessing abortion care into the privacy and expertise of a pregnant person and their doctor. Though there has been a lot of energy and misinformation about the bill, it's a reasonable approach rooted in science and respecting the expertise of doctors and the needs of their patients. We are working with our partners to make sure this bill becomes law.  

This bill is not alone in coming down to the wire. The Legislature often saves the big, meaty, or controversial bills to the end - party because meaty issues take a long time, but partly to maintain good working relationships between parties for as long as possible. In the next two weeks, expect votes on abortion access (1619 and others)Paid Family and Medical Leave (1964), healthcare for New Mainers (199), gender affirming care (1040), childcare system improvements (1726), and more. Buckle up.  

The Legislature is scheduled to recess on Wednesday June 21, but they are likely to go through Friday the 23rd, and we are all praying to the Forces of Legislative Efficiency that we aren't dragged back the following week.  

If you're in the State House this week and want to bring some poetry and playfullness to your day, please join us for Politics/Poetics on June 15 from 11:30-1:30! Info below and here. 

PS - We've been keeping you updated on LD 1435, which passed the House and Senate last week and is headed to the Governor's desk (she vetoed a similar bill two years ago). We co-wrote this op-ed with Maine TransNet about why partial decriminalization of sex work is so complicated, and why we don't support this bill. 

Opportunities for Action & the Weekly Calendar  

LD 1964: Paid Family and Medical Leave

The Labor and Housing Committee voted out LD 1964 last week, and it will hit the Senate floor any day. The opposition is leaning into fear tactics, claiming that this will undermine business, but years of evidence in other states shows that simply isn't true. Your Legislator needs to hear from you! You can use this form to ask them to support LD 1964.  

LD 1619: Ensuring Abortion Access in Maine

No one should be forced to remain pregnant against their will or against the advice of their doctor. LD 1619 places trust in medical providers and their patients to make private medical decisions without political interference. Even if you know that your Legislators support this issue, they need to hear from you on this important issue. You can use this form to ask them to support LD 1619.  

The weekly House Calendar is here. The weekly Senate Calendar is here. They are scheduled to be in session every day this week. 

People Power Hour: Legislative Update and Poem Circle

June 14 / 6 PM 

We will share legislative updates, and have a  discussion circle on A Litany for Survival by Audre Lorde. Register here! 

Politics / Poetics

June 15 / 11:30 - 1:30 

Maine State House Hall of Flags

In partnership with the Maine Humanities Council, we are hosting poet Katherine Hagopian Berry and poets across Maine, to bring the spirit of poetry and playfulness to policy and civic engagement work. Sign up here.

Blue Jay Coffee Hour

July 15, 10-1:00pm

Blue Jay Coffee, Lewiston

Enjoy coffee and treats, and connect with new and old friends about feminism, policy, and more. Facebook event updates here.

Maine Feminist Events Calendar

Join us to Celebrate the Session! 

Join us for an evening on the farm to 'cultivate' our collective purpose and power! 

We come together to celebrate the end of the session, and to lift up and honor gender justice changemakers in our community with our first annual legislative awards. 

Tickets are available on a sliding scale, and volunteers attend at no cost. We hope to see you there! 

Get Tickets Here

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