
Maine Women's Lobby Legislative Round-Up News : May 8, 2023

Clubs and Organizations

May 10, 2023

From: Maine Women's Policy Center

Dear friend,

We've hit the point in the Session when things feel like they've gone off the rails - bills are popping up as the requirement for longer notice has been waived, committees are packing in hearings and work sessions, and it's hard to keep track of where we are. So here are some (not all!) of the Big Deals on gender equity:

 - Abortion access: The Judiciary Committee took testimony for over 19 hours on Monday for bills that would expand abortion access, and then 4 more hours on Friday on bills that would restrict access. None of these bills have been reported out of committee, but at least one bill to ensure abortion access in Maine later in pregnancy when it's medically necessary has co-sponsors from more than 50 percent of the Legislature, so this one's in the bag.

 - Paid Family & Medical Leave: This bill is *still* not printed (meaning - there is no bill yet). We expect that a bill reflecting the final report of the PFML Commission will be printed this week, along with an amendment from the sponsor reflecting the learning (and negotiation) that has happened since then. When that bill lands, it will be *all*hands*on*deck* as we fill up the State House and pass one of the most important economic security and gender equity bills of the session.

 - Trans Rights: There is a national attack on the lives and dignity of trans folks, and Maine is no exception. BUT there are a number of great bills to expand rights, including LD 1040, An Act to Require Reimbursement for Gender-affirming Care for MaineCare Members, and LD 1507, An Act to Ensure the Accuracy of Vital Records with Respect to Gender. Both of these have been reported out of committee with an Ought to Pass recommendation.

 - Systems Improvement: Two bills are hot priorities for us this year: a bill to staff and fund  Maine's Permanent Commission on the Status of Women - this bill passed both chambers, and is ready for a signature!! And a bill to create a Constitutional Amendment to protect against discrimination based on not only gender and sexual orientation, but race, thenicity, ability, religion, and country of origin. This bill recieved a majority Ought to Pass report and is headed to the House floor.

 - Childcare: There are two priority bills being heard on Wedensday this week: LD 1726: "An Act to Build Maine’s Economy by Supporting Child Care for Working Families"  and  LD 1799: "An Act to Expand Maine's High-quality Early Learning and Care for Children by Increasing Public Preschool Opportunities in Communities".

 - Worker Rights and Salary Equity: We're following several bills here. One proposal to create salary transparency in job postings recieved a majority Ought to Pass report and is headed to the House floor. A proposal to increase salary for sexual assault advocates passed both chambers, but needs funding in the final budget. A proposal to decriminalize selling sex work passed out of the Judiciary... but there's strong evidence that keeping the buying side criminalized puts sex workers in more danger.

These are just a few of the bills, but there are so many more, from minor's rights to racial and Tribal justice to censorship, and we're hearing that the Legislature expects to address them all and adjourn by June 22. But only 20 percent of bills have been reported out of committee so far, so buckle up for a wild 6 weeks. We'll see you in the halls (and on Tik Tok and Instagram!).

In solidarity,

Destie, Dania, Catie, and Brook

Weekly Calendar

The weekly House Calendar is here. The weekly Senate Calendar is here.

May 8
9:00 - a bundle of gun safety bills in the Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee will be heard.

10:00 - LD 1665 - PH - An Act to Improve Breast Health Care by Providing Coverage for Genetic Counseling and Testing (Rotundo)

10:01 - LD  1836 - PH - An Act Regarding Insurance Coverage for Diagnostic and Supplemental Breast Examinations (Mathieson)

May 9
1:00 - LD 348 - PH - An Act to Make Menstrual Products Available in Certain Schools (Cloutier)

1:00 Work Sessions - Judiciary Committee

LD 1507 - An Act to Ensure the Accuracy of Vital Records with Respect to Gender (Sheehan)

LD 1516 - An Act to Establish Alternative Sentencing for Primary Caregivers (Talbot Ross)

LD 1683 - An Act to Provide for Civil Recovery Based on Nonconsensual Removal of or Tampering with a ****** and Considering Sexual Assault in Evaluating Parental Rights (Milliken)

May 10
10:00 Public Hearings

LD 1726 -  An Act to Build Maine's Economy by Supporting Child Care for Working Families (Jackson) - Health and Human Services

LD 999 - An Act to Support Family Caregivers by Expanding Family Medical Leave (Reilly) - Labor and Housing

10:00 Work Sessions - HCIFS Committee

LD 267 - An Act to Require Private Insurance Coverage for Donor Breast Milk (Brenner)

LD 616 - An Act to Protect Health Care Professionals Providing Reproductive Health Care Services (Kuhn)

LD 935 - An Act to Remove Barriers to Abortion Coverage in Private Insurance (Moonen)

1:00 - Work Sessions - Judiciary Committee

A pile of bad abortion bills will be worked. (Here's some comfort if you need it)

**Not sure about the difference between a PH (public hearing) and a WS (work session)? Check out our How-To here!

May People Power Hour: Feminist Engagement and Discussion Circle
May 10, 6pm via Zoom

Staff will update the group on the work of the session, ask participants to bring info on what they're working on and then the second half of the hour we will move into a poetry discussion on The Low Road by Marge Piercy and A Litany for Survival by Audre Lorde.  More info here.

Citizen Advocacy Toolkit

Maine Children's Alliance released the Kids Count 2023 Report!

Highlights include:
Child poverty is lower than in the past but remains an issue.

Maine’s rate of child maltreatment was the highest in the nation at 19.0 per 1,000 children in 2020.

In 2021, nearly half of Maine high school girls reported feeling sad or hopeless.

Read the full report on their website.

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